Vitamins in the Body

This article provides information regarding the importance of vitamins also the various uses and classifications of vitamins present, which are essential in metabolism.

Vitamins are essential nutrients required by human beings because they play several essential roles in the body. They help to convert food into energy and also repair cellular damage. Vitamins are organic compounds that should be consumed in the desired amount to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The article includes the definition and classification of vitamins.


Vitamins are a group of essential nutrients and are needed for the normal growth and function of our human body. They are only available in very small amounts but cannot be absorbed by the body itself, Also be obtained externally through medications. We should therefore rely on following vitamins for our daily vitamin needs. 

Types of vitamins

According to solubility vitamins are classified as :-

  • Fat-soluble vitamins
  • Water-soluble vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, and K fall under the category of fat-soluble vitamins, also these vitamins are soluble only in organic solvents. These vitamins are mostly found in living organisms also it is essential for producing fats and absorbing them in our body.

Water-soluble vitamins

These vitamins are not stored in our body as the vitamins will excrete through urine so these are taken in as per the suggestion of the nutritionist, Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin B and vitamin C. 

Vitamin sources

fat-soluble vitamins sources :

  • Potato and chicken contains Vitamin A
  • Paneer contains Vitamin D
  • Spinach contains Vitamin E
  • Carrot Vitamin K
  • Orange contains Vitamin C

sources of Vitamin B: 

  • Pork and chicken contains vitamin B1
  • Spinach contains Vitamin B2
  • Fish and contains Vitamin B3
  • Chicken and fish contains Vitamin B5
  • Radish contains Vitamin B6
  • Banana and fish contain Vitamin B7
  • Spinach and pork contain Vitamin B12


Metabolism is a process where our body converts food into energy. It is done by combining the calories present in our food with oxygen in order to release energy for performing specific functions.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in our diet daily. It is responsible for developing the immunity and also plays an important role in the process of reproduction. Eg- Beef, carrot, cheese, eggs, oily fish, milk, etc. We can also get vitamin A by including “beta-carotene” in our diet.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin plays an important role in increasing intestinal absorption. The most important compounds present under the category of Vitamin D which are seen In humans are vitamin D₃ and vitamin D₂. Vitamin D help the body absorb and retain calcium and protect our teeth and bones

Vitamin E

Two components, including tocopherols and tocotrienols, are fat-soluble compounds present in Vitamin E. Nerve problems in human beings are caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin E which occurs in some rare cases. Food sources of vitamin E are: Almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, pumpkin, wheat germ oil, etc.

Vitamin K

These are fat-soluble vitamins that are not present in foods we consume but are available as dietary supplements. Post-synthesis modification of a few proteins that are essential for blood coagulation is done with the help of vitamin K. It is also called the hemorrhagic vitamin which is responsible for clotting of blood in our body.

Food sources of vitamin k are :

Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, sprouts, Soybean,etc.

Vitamin B

It plays a vital role in the metabolism of the cell and red blood cells(RBC) synthesis. These are chemically distinct compounds in nature and present in the food. We can externally consume vitamin B from the following food sources.

Food sources of vitamin B are :chicken, peanuts, banana, oats, wheat germ etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is most commonly found in citrus fruits and also sold as a supplement.Vitamin C helps in repairing damaged tissue present in our body.

Vitamin H

A nutrient in the vitamin B complex also called the biotin that the body needs in small amounts to function and stay healthy. Vitamin H helps in the breakdown of enzymes in the body for securing energy and helps in the production of tissues. It is found in yeast, whole milk, egg yolks, and meats. We use yeast while preparing food like bread, pastries, cakes etc. It helps in the fermentation process.


As we have seen how vitamins are essential for the human body in conducting various functions. Vitamins are essential nutrients for human beings because they play several essential roles in the body. They help to convert food into energy and also help in repairing cellular damage. Vitamins are organic compounds that should be taken in the desired amount to maintain a healthy body.


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Define the types of fat soluble vitamins?

Ans. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, D, E, and K, also these vitamins are soluble only in organic solven...Read full

Define the terminology metabolism in vitamins?

Ans. It is a process in which our body converts food into energy. It is done by combining the calories prese...Read full

Explain the importance of vitamins in our body?

Ans. Vitamins are essential nutrients for human beings because they play important roles in the body.It help...Read full

List out the sources of water soluble vitamins?

Ans. The sources of water soluble vitamins are- ...Read full