Solvent Extraction

Liquid-liquid extraction, commonly known as solvent extraction and partitioning, is a technique for extracting liquids from liquids. Compounds or metal complexes are separated using the relative solubilities of the compounds or metal complexes in two different immiscible liquids, commonly water and an organic solvent, as described above.

It is a method in which compounds are separated according to their solubilities in a given solvent or solution.  When utilizing a solvent, it is necessary to dissolve the substance being treated. Solvents are fluids that have the potential to dissolve other substances.

Solvent extraction is utilized in a variety of sectors, including the production of perfumes and the processing of vegetable oils. It is also widely utilized in the petrochemical and refining sectors, among other things.

Solvent extraction is also used to separate hazardous contaminants from sludge and sediments, as well as to remove hazardous chemicals from water. This is especially advantageous for hazardous waste generators since solvent extraction ultimately minimizes the amount of hazardous waste that needs to be treated, which is advantageous for the environment.

The extraction of a chemical with a solvent does not damage the compound. Instead, it separates the material, a process that, depending on the industry in which the method is employed, can provide a number of beneficial advantages.

What Exactly Is A Solvent?

A solvent is a molecule that has the ability to dissolve other molecules, which are referred to as solutes. A solvent can take the form of a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

The molecules of a solvent’s solvent pull apart the molecules of a solute, and finally the molecules of the solute become evenly dispersed throughout the solvent. This homogeneous mixture is incapable of being physically separated.

That means that the solution must be heated or subjected to another chemical procedure in order to separate the solvent from the solute completely.

Water and organic chemicals such as benzene, tetrachloroethylene, and turpentine are among the most commonly used solvents.

Liquid-liquid extraction

When two immiscible liquids, usually water (polar) and a nonpolar organic solvent, are mixed together, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), also known as solvent extraction and partitioning, is used to separate chemicals or metal complexes based on their relative solubilities in the two liquids (non-polar). There is a net movement of one or more species from one liquid phase to another liquid phase, most commonly from aqueous to organic liquid phases. The transfer is driven by chemical potential, which means that once the transfer is complete, the total system of chemical components that make up the solutes and solvents is in a more stable configuration than before the transfer (lower free energy). Extract is a term used to describe a solvent that has been enriched in solute(s). raffinate is the term used to describe the feed solution that has been drained of solute(s). LLE is a fundamental technique in chemical laboratories, where it is carried out utilising a range of apparatus, ranging from separatory funnels to countercurrent distribution equipment known as mixer settlers, among other things. 

LLE is also widely utilised in a variety of industries, including the manufacturing of fine organic compounds, the processing of perfumes, the production of vegetable oils and biodiesel, and a variety of other applications.

It is one of the most often used initial separation strategies, albeit it has significant limitations when it comes to extracting functional groups that are closely linked.

When working with non-aqueous systems, liquid-liquid extraction is conceivable. Metals can be removed from one phase to the other in a system consisting of molten metal in contact with molten salts, according to the manufacturer. The analogy here is to a mercury electrode, where metal can be reduced, after which the metal will frequently dissolve in the mercury to form an amalgam, which drastically changes the electrochemistry of the metal. Examples include the reduction of sodium cations at a mercury cathode to generate sodium amalgam, but at an inert electrode (such as platinum), the sodium cations do not undergo reduction and instead form sodium amalgam. As a result, water is converted to hydrogen. It is possible to stabilize an emulsion, or third phase, with the help of a detergent or fine solid.


Extraction is the initial step in the process of separating the intended natural products from the raw materials used in their production. According to the extraction principle, extraction methods such as solvent extraction, distillation procedure, pressing, and sublimation are all available. The solvent extraction method is the most extensively utilized approach in the industry. The extraction of natural products proceeds through the following stages: (1) penetration of the solvent into the solid matrix; (2) solute dissolution in the solvents; (3) solute diffusion out of the solid matrix; and (4) collection of the extracted solutes. Any factor that increases the diffusivity and solubility in the preceding steps will make the extraction process easier. The extraction efficiency is influenced by the qualities of the extraction solvent, the particle size of the raw materials, the solvent-to-solid ratio, the extraction temperature, and the extraction duration.

The choice of the solvent is critical in the process of solvent extraction. When selecting solvents, it is important to consider their selectivity, solubility, cost, and safety. According to the law of similarity and inter miscibility (like dissolves like), solvents with polarity values close to the polarity of the solute are more likely to perform better than those with polarity values further away from the solute. Alcohols (EtOH and MeOH) are common solvents in solvent extraction for phytochemical inquiry and are used in solvent extraction for many other applications.

In general, the finer the particle size is, the better the extraction will perform in terms of yield. As a result of the increased penetration of solvents and diffusion of solutes, the extraction efficiency will be improved as a result of the small particle size. A particle size that is too fine, on the other hand, will result in excessive absorption of solute by the solid and difficulty in subsequent filtering.

When the temperature is raised, the solubility and diffusion of the compounds rise. Temperatures that are excessively high, on the other hand, may result in the loss of solvents, resulting in the extraction of unwanted impurities and the destruction of thermolabile constituents.

Increasing the extraction length in a specific time range leads to a rise in the extraction efficiency over time. After the equilibrium of the solute has been achieved both inside and outside of the solid material, increasing the extraction time will have no effect.


The principle behind solvent extraction is extremely basic. To do this, a liquid (solvent) is used to dissolve (solvate) a target molecule or collection of chemicals (solute), and then the dissolved compounds are washed away from the solid plant material. After that, the solvent is separated from the solution, which allows the solute to be concentrated. Solvent extraction can be used to recover a valuable substance from a solution, or it can be used to purify the original solvent by eliminating an undesired component from it. Extraction is the process of transferring chemicals from one liquid to another in order to make them more easily manipulated or concentrated. It also makes it possible to remove components from a mixture in a selective manner.


Frequently asked questions

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What are the factors that influence the solvent extraction process?

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When was the first time that solvent extraction was used?

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