
Polarisation is the distortion of a negatively charged ion's electron cloud by a positively charged ion. The molecule has a dipole moment because of polarisation.

In chemical bonding, polarity describes the number of electrical currents over the atoms joined by the bond. Since both hydrogen atoms are electrically isolated, bonds between identical atoms, like H2, are electrically uniform, whereas bonds among two or more different elements are electrically inequivalent. Hydrogen chloride, for example, has a slightly positively charged hydrogen atom and a slightly negatively charged chlorine atom. The existence of partial charges suggests the existence of a polar bond. Partial charges are the small electrical charges that occur on separate atoms.

Polarity of bond


The ability of an atom to transfer the shared electrons of a covalent bond to itself is measured by electronegativity. If the electronegativity of the atoms linked together is the same, the shared electrons will be distributed evenly. The electrons of a bond will be unequally shared if they are more inclined towards one of the atoms (as it is more electronegative). The electrons will not be shared if the electronegativity difference is high enough; the more electronegative atom will get them, leading to two ions and an ionic bond.

The polarity of a bond is determined by the electronegativities of the components. When an element’s atom is part of a combination, its electronegativity refers to its ability to attract electrons to itself. Even though a link in a compound has a shared pair of electrons, the more electronegative element’s atom will draw the shared pair toward itself, accumulating a slight negative charge in the process. The nucleus that has lost its equal piece of the connecting electron pair gains a slightly positive charge since its atomic charge is no longer completely neutralised by its electrons.


An electric dipole is formed when the atoms at each end of a heteronuclear connection (i.e., a bond involving atoms of different elements) have equal but opposite partial charges. The value of its dipole moment, which is the product of the amount of the partial charges times their distance (essentially, the length of the bond), is used to express the magnitude of this dipole 

The dipole moment acts in the vector quantity’s direction. H2O is an example of a polar molecule. The structure of H2O is bent (by VSEPR theory) because of the lone pair on oxygen, which means that the vectors expressing the dipole moment of each bond do not cancel each other out. As a result, water is polar. Polar compounds have permanent dipole moments. These dipoles are oriented arbitrarily in the absence of an applied electric field. The polar molecules orient themselves in the direction of the applied field when it is applied.


As the partial charges increase, the dipolar character of the bond intensifies as the electronegativity difference between two covalently bound atoms increases. When the atoms’ electronegativities are very different, the more electronegative atom’s attraction to the shared electron pair is so strong that it effectively has entire control over them. That is, it has taken control of the pairing, and the bond is classified as ionic. Ionic and covalent bonding can thus be thought of as continuous instead of as alternatives.

The resonance shifts in support of the ionic contribution as the difference in electronegativity grows. When the electronegativity difference between an electropositive element like sodium and an electronegative atom like fluorine is very great, the ionic structure drives the resonance, and the bonding can be considered ionic. As the electronegativity difference between the two bound elements grows, the nonpolar bond transforms into a polar bond, which then transforms into an ionic bond. In reality, just as there are no entirely covalent connections, there are no simply ionic bonds; bonding is a continuum of sorts.


  • Cation: The smaller is the cation, the more is its polarising power. As a result, a more covalent character will form. The polarising power also increases as the cationic charge increases.
  • Anion: The larger the anion, the higher is its polarisability, and thus greater is the covalent character. The polarisability of anion also increases as the anionic charge increases.


The polarisation of Distilled water has a profound impact on the properties of water. It helps to explain why water is a liquid at room temperature and why it can act as a carrier for a wide range of ionic compounds. The slightly negative charge on the oxygen atom can simulate the negative charge of anions that surround each cation in the solid, minimising energy gap when the crystal dissolves. The metal ions that encircle the anions in a solid can be replicated using the modest positive charge on hydrogen atoms.

In a solvent with the same polarity, a chemical dissolves more easily. Lipophilic (lipid-loving) compounds are nonpolar, while hydrophilic substances are polar (water-loving). Since they dissolve in the hydrophobic (nonpolar component of the lipid bilayer), lipid-soluble, nonpolar compounds flow easily across a cell membrane.


The presence of a 100 percent ionic or covalent bond is an ideal condition.

No bond or molecule is entirely covalent or ionic in reality. There is some ionic character even in a covalent bond between two hydrogen atoms. In polyatomic molecules, the dipole moment is determined not only by the individual bond dipole moments, but also by the spatial organisation of the many bonds in the molecule. The vector sum of the dipole moments of multiple bonds is the dipole moment of a molecule in such cases.Specific transport methods allow polar substances to travel through lipid membranes.


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What factors influence polarizability?

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What kind of molecules are susceptible to polarizability?

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Ans:Fluorine is the periodic table’s most electronegative element. ...Read full