CBSE Class 11 » CBSE Class 11 Study Materials » Chemistry » PARAMETERS OF COVALENT BOND


Bond parameters are the characteristics used to characterise covalent bonds, such as bond length, bond angle, and bond enthalpy. In this chapter, we'll go over the notion of bond parameters in further detail.

In order to become stable, several atoms must unite. This combination happens as a result of bond formation. Bonds are classified into three types: ionic or electrovalent bonds, covalent bonds, and coordinate bonds. This, in turn, demonstrates that every relationship has some characteristic linked with it. Here are some of the several bond qualities or traits that might be referred to as bond parameters.

What is a Bond?

Ans: There are two types of covalent bonding: sigma bonds and pi bonds. The number of shared bonds is proportional to the number of electrons. The number of bonds created when two, four, or six electrons are shared is one, two, or three, depending on the amount of electrons exchanged. Based on the kind of overlapping, covalent bonds are classed as sigma bonds or pi bonds.

Types of Bonds:

Sigma Bond: This sort of covalent bond is formed by the end-to-end (head-on) overlap of bonding orbitals along the internuclear axis. This is referred to as head-on or axial overlap. Any of the atomic orbital combinations mentioned below can be used to create this.

Overlapping s-s orbitals: In this case, two half-filled s-orbitals overlap along the internuclear axis. The formation of the H2 molecule exhibits this sort of overlapping.

Overlapping s-p orbitals: There is an overlap of one atom’s half-filled s orbital and another atom’s half-filled p orbital along the internuclear axis. This sort of overlapping occurs during the creation of methane, ammonia, and water.

p-p Overlapping: This sort of overlapping occurs along the internuclear axis between one half-filled p orbital and another half-filled p orbital. When fluorine atoms unite to produce F2 molecules, this sort of overlapping occurs.

Pi Bond: When Pi bonds are formed, atomic orbitals overlap so that their axes stay parallel to one another and perpendicular to the internuclear axis. During bond formation, atomic orbitals overlap sideways, generating a saucer-shaped charged cloud above and below the internuclear axis.

Strength of Sigma and Pi Bond:

  1. 1 .The strength of a bond is determined by the extent to which atomic orbitals overlap.
  2. The sigma bond is more strong than the pi bond because it overlaps along the internuclear axis.
  3. The overlap area of pi bonds is less than that of sigma bonds. As a result, the pi-bond is the first to break, followed by the sigma bond.
  4. A pi bond, in addition to a sigma bond, is created during multiple bond formation.

A specific covalent bond is defined by the following parameters:

  • Bond Length
  • Bond Angle
  • The Bond Enthalpy
  • Bond Order

Bond Length:

The distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in equilibrium is specified as the bond length. The stronger the attraction between the bonding atoms, the shorter the link. The length of the bond, on the other hand, grows in proportion to the size of the atom. Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron diffraction are used to measure it. Each atom in the bonded pair determines the bond length. In the case of a covalent bond, the contribution of each atom is its covalent radius

The factors by which bond length is determine :

Bond Multiplicity: As bond multiplicity increases, bond length reduces.

Atom Size: The length of a bond is directly proportional to the size of an atom. The bond length grows in proportion to the size of the atoms.

The shorter the link, the greater the attraction between the bonding atoms. However, the length of a bond is proportional to the size of the atom. It should also be noted that in the event of a covalent link, the contribution of each atom is referred to as the atom’s covalent radius.

Bond Angle:

Bond angle is the angle formed by two bonds, i.e. the angle formed by two orbitals in a complex molecule or an ion that include a pair of bonding electrons around the central atom. This angle is typically measured in degrees and determined further using the spectroscopic approach.

This provides a good picture of how bound electron pairs are distributed around the atoms and aids in determining the structure of the molecules. It also offers an understanding of how bound electron pairs are distributed around the atoms and how the structure of the molecules is determined.

Bond Enthalpy:

The amount of energy required to break one mole of a specific type of bond between two atoms in a gaseous state is referred to as the Bond Enthalpies. Bond enthalpy is proportional to the strength of the molecule-to-molecule bond. 

In the case of polyatomic molecules, the bond enthalpy of two bonds of the same type might differ. For example, the bond enthalpy of two O-H bonds in a water molecule differs. Polyatomic molecules have average bond enthalpy due to variances in bond enthalpy.

Factors influencing bond enthalpy:

  • Atomic Size
  • Electronegativity
  • Extent of overlapping
  • Bond Order

Bond Order:

The bond order is the number of bonds that form between two atoms in a molecule, according to the Lewis description of covalent bonds. The bond order of isoelectronic molecules or ions is the same.

For example, the two isoelectronic molecules, F2 and O22-, have the identical bond order of 1. The larger the bond’s order, the bigger the bond’s enthalpy and the shorter the bond’s length.

The bond order in H2 is one when one electron pair is shared, two in O2 when two electron pairs are shared, and three in N2 when three electron pairs are shared.

  • H – H Bond order = 1
  • O = O Bond order = 2
  • N ≡ N Bond order = 3
  • C ≡ O Bond order = 3

The bond order of isoelectronic species is the same. For example, F2, O22- (18 electrons) have bond order 1 whereas N2, CO, and NO+ (14 electrons) have bond order 3.

Important Considerations Concerning the Bond Order

. Equal bond orders are seen in isoelectronic species, which contain the same amount of electrons. Consider that N2, NO+, and CO contain a total of 14 electrons and all have the same bond order of 3.

. The higher the order of the bond, the more stable the molecule.

. The length of the bond decreases as the order of the bond increases.


Therefore we can conclude from this whole article is The properties of a covalent bond are known as bond parameters. They provide bond information, which is then utilised to understand the nature of the bond, bond development, and so on.


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