Biodiversity Parks

All organisms are unique in terms of structure, physical function, genetic composition, etc. organisms have evolved to adapt to changing environments. Different species and classes of organisms that live in different environments are called biodiversity. Biodiversity parks are unique landscapes in the form of diverse communities that bring environmental, cultural and educational benefits to urban societies.

Biology is the science of life forms. The living world encompasses an amazing variety of living organisms. Early man could easily tell the difference between inanimate matter and living organisms. Early man deified part of the inanimate matter (wind, Sea, fire, etc.) and part of animals and plants. A common feature of all these forms of inanimate and animate objects was the feeling of  great fear that they evoked. The description of living organisms, including humans, began much later in human history. Societies that embraced an anthropocentric view of biology  have seen limited advances in biological knowledge. Systematic and  monumental description of life forms , that necessarily introduced detailed  systems of identification, nomenclature , and classification. The biggest  side effect of such studies is the realization that similarities  between living organisms were shared both horizontally and vertically. That all organisms alive today are related to each other and also to all  organisms that have ever lived on this earth was a revelation  that humbled man  and led to cultural movements for the conservation of biodiversity.

Importance of biodiversity

Biodiversity is significant to most aspects of our lives. We value biodiversity for many reasons, some expedient, some intrinsic. This means that we value biodiversity both for what it  offers humans and for the value it has in  itself. Useful assets include many basic needs that humans  derive from biodiversity , such as food, shelter, fuel and medicine. In addition, ecosystems provide critical services such as pollination, seed dispersal, climate change, purification of water, nutrient cycling, and pest control. Biodiversity also has value for potential benefits that have not yet been recognised, such as new medicines and various possible unknown services. Biodiversity also has a cultural value for humans as well, for example for spiritual or religious reasons. The intrinsic value of biodiversity relates to its inherent worth, which is independent of its value to anyone else. This is more of a philosophical concept, that can be thought of as the inalienable right to exist. Finally, the value of biodiversity can  be understood through the lens of the relationships we form and strive for with one another and with the rest of nature. We value biodiversity perhaps because of how it shapes who we are, our relationships with one another and social norms.

Importance and role of biodiversity parks

Biodiversity parks are unique landscapes composed of diverse communities that provide environmental , cultural and educational benefits to urban society. They provide multiple environmental services including  carbon sequestration, replenishment of aquifers, and educational and recreational benefits to the urban society. The biodiversity park with its rich flora and fauna is an ideal tool for promoting conservation education that ultimately has a positive impact on environmental quality and conservation ethics.

Biodiversity park in urban cities

Cities are totally dependent on natural resources and biodiversity to meet their needs for essential goods and services . The lack of biodiversity affects a city’s growth and well being. A healthy ecosystem and organic range are essential for the smooth functioning of our cities and thus of the Country. The population of a city is much denser than that of a rural area, so it is more important to conserve the urban biodiversity. 

Biodiversity in Delhi 

The ridge forests of Delhi are considered the lungs of the capital and act as a natural green belt covering the city. The ridge of Delhi was once replete with only the number of Keekar trees (Acacia avaru). With the advent of the British, several Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Babul(Vachellia nilotica) trees were planted in the area of Delhi. Over the years , pressure on the Delhi ridge is increasing at an alarming rate. An increasing urbanization in the city, a lot of new constructions and development have put enormous pressure on the ridge area. 

Biodiversity Parks in India

  • Damodar Biodiversity Park, JHARKHAND
  • Kalidaspur Biodiversity Park ECL, WEST BENGAL
  • Biodiversity Park Tola Madhupur,BIHAR
  • Butterfly Garden(Biodiversity Park),WEST BENGAL
  • Kaziranga National Park,ASSAM

Factors of urban biodiversity

  • Urban biodiversity should cater to the various components and their population. It’s not  just limited to the small creatures  like ants,lap dogs, cats, lizards etc,  nor to our terrace garden or our backyard organic farming.
  •  Urban biodiversity includes all the plant, animal and bird species that live together  in close proximity to humans. Today there is an urgent need for increased protection of biodiversity. The focus should also be on the development of  better management strategies. The local authorities, environmental NGOs and eco-clubs should come forward. The proper master plan for new or renovated construction could be of the utmost help. It should be included with due regard for biodiversity. It should ensure that the project is in accordance  with the guidelines issued by the government of  India, on the inclusion of the biodiversity aspect. 
  • Various urban patches should be created across the urban areas  to serve as the core buffer zones or nesting sites for the birds. These urban patches would serve as nesting grounds for birds displaced from their habitat due to urbanization. 
  • Several tree plantation  programs including urban afforestation, awareness  campaigns etc. should be organized on a regular  basis to motivate and raise awareness among the local people about the importance of urban biodiversity. The introduction of the concept of  urban green belt development in the cities is one of the fruitful measures to improve urban biodiversity.


Biodiversity is the dynamic form of living organisms from all sources, terrestrial , marine, aquatic and other ecological complexes. It includes diversity within species and ecosystems. Biodiversity forms the foundation of large number of ecosystem services that contribute significantly to human beings. It is important in both artificial and natural ecosystems . The choices that people make affect biodiversity and the also affect the well being of themselves and others.


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What is biodiversity ?

Ans. Different species and classes of organisms that live in different environments are called biodiversity....Read full

What is urban biodiversity?

Ans.  It refers to the variety of living organisms found in the ecosystems of urban areas, and it is genera...Read full

What is the role of biodiversity park?

Ans. Biodiversity park serves as nature reserve for the preservation of natural heritage of the city. It inc...Read full

Which place of India is rich in biodiversity?

Ans. India has  4 biodiversity hotspots:  ...Read full