CBSE Class 11 » Difference Between » Keywords and Identifiers

Keywords and Identifiers

This article will discuss keywords and identifiers, their definition, and their functions in people's day-to-day lives. The topic of keywords and identifiers is important to know about as it is asked during some examinations. The article will further explain important information on other topics related to keywords and identifiers.

In programming, the phrase identifier, as well as keyword, is frequently utilized. For example, the mark seems to be an identifier, while int seems to be the keyword. The difference between an identifier and a keyword is explained in this article. The distinction between an identifier and keyword is that if an identifier seems to be a user-defined name for a variable, function, or class, a keyword is made by the programming language as a reserved word.


An identifier is defined as  a term that designates the identification of a single item or even a single class of items, where the “object” and “class” can become an idea, a physical, quantifiable entity, or perhaps a physically uncountable element. The abbreviation ID is defined as the identity, identification or even an identifier. 

In C++, an identifier seems to be the programmer’s name given to a programme element. An identifier is referred to as a single word, letter, symbol, number or combination of all these elements. 

Identifiers represent symbols used to distinguish one program component from another in the coding. For example, types, macro, and parameters are often called variables. The identifier title must indicate the significance and application of the element.

Variables, arrays, functions, structures, unions, and labels are identifiers inside a C programme. Only capital, lower case, underscores, and digits could be used in identification, but it must begin with just a letter and underscore. Internal identifiers are those that aren’t used for an external link procedure. External refers to an identification that is used in an external link procedure. 

  • Keyword identifiers can’t be used for anything else; the one and the only moment they could be used as quasi would be in an attribute token.
  • Identifiers with special meaning and override are used specifically in such a specific context instead of ordinary identifiers; unless stated, every uncertainty about whether a particular identity has a special meaning is handled by interpreting the tokens as a regular identifier.
  • All IDs that begin in a double underscore remain allocated;
  • Reserved are identifiers that begin with an underscore and then an uppercase letter.


Keywords are terms that Compiler has already specified as having a certain significance. These terms aren’t able to be used as identifiers. Keywords are a combination of established identifiers as well as reserved terms.

The programming language provides keywords for a certain purpose. They have quite a special significance. The usage of keywords like identifiers is not permitted. Reserved words are yet another name for keywords. For example, when you see an int num = 5 statement inside a programme, it signifies that the number is a variable with the integer 5. An integer is a keyword. It tells the compiler that the storage region is now suitable for storing a numeric value.

When a sentence is written as a float area, the keyword float is often used as a keyword, as well as the identifier area will be used as an identifier. A floating-point quantity can be stored inside the area variable.

Major key differences between Keywords and Identifiers:

  • Keywords have been used to identify the object category, while an identifier is being used to give that entity its distinct identity. For instance, if we write int number, wherein int is a keyword, but ‘number’ is just an identifier, we explicitly establish an item “number” of type int.
  • Keywords remain distinct from one another; they aren’t grouped further. On other hand, identifiers used in an external link procedure, such as function names and global variables conveyed between files, are usually referred to as external names. In contrast, identifiers that aren’t used in an external link procedure include a local variable referred to as ‘internal names.’
  • The identification shouldn’t ever be the same as keywords, and also, the name must be unique.
  • The identifier shouldn’t ever be something like keywords or even like the names of C++ libraries.
  • There are no symbols among the keywords declared in the C++ library. In contrast, one can use underscore instead of any other symbol when declaring an identifier.
  • A keyword is always written in lower case. On the other hand, an identifier can begin in either upper or lower case letters.


The article talks in detail about identifiers and keywords, including their functions. The article mainly focuses on explaining each item, making clear the clear differences between them. The key differences which are most basic to the topic are mentioned too.


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