CBSE Class 11 » Difference Between » DBMS and RDBMS


In this article, we will discuss the concepts of DBMS and RDBMS, and the difference between DBMS and RDBMS. Tap to learn more.

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The distinction between RDBMS and DBMS is mostly defined by their structure. Because DBMS was the original version of database management software, it lacks features and tools for data security, data integrity, data access, multiple-user access, and quicker data updating and retrieval. RDBMS are more efficient and speedier, with qualities that ensure data consistency and redundancy. There is no hard and fast rule stating that RDBMS is the finest database management solution. There are other database management systems, however, RDBMS is superior to DBMS in terms of performance and speed.

What is a Database Management System (DBMS)?

A database management system (DBMS) is software that stores and manages data. The database management system (DBMS) was first established in the 1960s to store any type of data. It also allows for data modification such as insertion, deletion, and updating.

The DBMS system also manages the database by defining, generating, modifying, and regulating it. It’s built to develop and preserve data while also allowing each business application to retrieve the information it needs.

What is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System and is a more sophisticated version of a database management system. It was established in the 1970s. In addition, an RDBMS system allows an organisation to access data more quickly than a DBMS system.

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System, and it is a software system that is used to store only data in the form of tables. Data is handled and stored in rows and columns, which are referred to as tuples and attributes, in this type of system. RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is a strong data management system that is extensively used across the world.

DBMS vs RDBMS: Difference



Data is stored in a database management system (DBMS) as a file

Tables are used to store information

Data is stored in a database management system (DBMS) in either a navigational or hierarchical format

RDBMS employs a tabular format, with column names as headers and associated data as rows

Only a single user is supported by the DBMS

It may be used by numerous people

The data in a typical database may not be stored according to the ACID model

This can lead to database discrepancies

Relational databases are more difficult to create, but they are more consistent and organised

They follow the rules of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

It is an application that is used to manage databases over computer networks as well as the system hard drives

The database systems are used to keep track of the relationships between the tables

Software and hardware requirements are minimal

Higher hardware and software requirements are required

The integrity constraints are not supported by DBMS

At the file level, the integrity constraints are not imposed

At the schema level, RDBMS provides integrity restrictions

Values outside of a certain range cannot be stored in the RDBMS column

Normalization is not supported by DBMS.

A relational database management system (RDBMS) can be normalised.

Distributed databases are not supported by DBMS

Distributed databases are supported by RBMS

The DBMS system is mostly used to manage tiny amounts of data

The RDBMS database is built to manage a vast volume of data

Dbms only meet seven of Dr E.F. Codd’s rules

Dbms meet 8 to 10 of Dr E.F. Codd’s rules

Client-server architecture is not supported by DBMS

Client-server architecture is supported by RDBMS

For complicated and vast amounts of data, data retrieval takes longer

Because of its relational methodology, data retrieval is quick

In this architecture, data redundancy is common

Data redundancy is not possible using keys and indexes

There is no correlation between the data

Data is kept in the form of tables that are linked together via foreign keys

There is no sense of safety

Multiple security levels are available. At the OS, command, and object levels, log files are produced

Individual data items must be accessed

SQL queries make it simple to retrieve data

At the same time, many data items can be accessed

A file system, XML, the Windows Registry, and other DBMS are examples

MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and other RDBMS are examples


System software for storing, generating, and maintaining databases is known as relational database management systems or database management systems. The difference between a relational database management system and a database management system is that a relational database management system is an improved version of a database management system that supports more tools and features than a database management system. DBMS data is hierarchical and saved in a file format with no relationships between the data, whereas RDBMS data is kept in a tabular fashion.


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