Blood Relations

And are confused with the blood relation questions? This article is perfect for you. You will get tips and tricks to solve these blood relation questions with the help of blood relation charts and blood relation quotes.

Blood Relations

Blood relation is one of the most tricky parts of competitive exams. It questions the logical thinking of one. It tests how quickly someone approaches logic with the help of a diagram or chart instead of mathematical calculations. Let’s understand the blood relations to crack these questions.

What is a blood relation?

The blood relation is a relation in the world that is either by birth or marriage. For example, a relation by birth is father, mother, uncle, and son. While relations by marriage are father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, etc.  

Types of questions based on blood relation

Over the passage of time, the blood relation question has changed various types. Earlier the questions which were asked were less complex. They were just statement or dialogue-based questions. Blood relation questions now have become very complex and tiring with the rising competition in competitive exams. 

A few types of blood relation questions are

  • Dialogue or Conversation Based: In these types of questions a statement is laid by a person describing a relation. The relation might not be personally related to the one stating it. 
  • Coding-Decoding: It is one of the recent types of blood relation questions. In these questions, relations are represented by symbols. 
  • Based on Puzzles: The complexity of blood relation questions is increased by asking them in a puzzle form. Here, brief information about the relation between people is provided and sub-question are asked on the basis of that. 

Key Points About Solving Blood Relation: 

There are a few things you should take note of before starting with understanding blood relation-related questions.

  • You should never assume someone’s gender on the basis of their name.
  • If X is mentioned as the son of Y, you can never claim that Y is the father of X or the mother of X.
  • While solving puzzle-based questions you can see a wed between relations, so never solve them in a hurry.
  • These questions appear to be lengthy. But don’t worry they are easy to solve if not attempted in panic. 
  • If pictorial description is used to solve coding-decoding blood relations it becomes easy to solve as relations become very clear.
  • Take note of these types of blood relations with terminology that is used:

Types of Relationship

Terminologies they mean

Mother’s/Father’s Son

Myself/ Brother

Mother’s/Father’s Daughter

Myself/ Sister

Mother’s/Father’s brother


Mother’s/Father’s Sister


Mother’s/Father’s Father


Mother’s/Father’s Mother


Son’s Wife


Daughter’s Husband


Husband’s/Wife’s Sister


Husband’s/Wife’s Brother


Brother’s Son


Brother’s Daughter


Uncle’s/ Aunt’s son/daughter


Sister’s husband

Brother in law

Brother’s Wife

Sister in law

Grandson’s/Granddaughter’s Son


Grandson’s/Granddaughter’s daughter


Relations from mother’s side


Relations from father’s side


Blood Relation Chart

A blood Relation Chart also Known as Family tree helps to understand blood relations. It is the best way to approach a blood relation Question. It helps in reducing the complexity of the question.

The blood relations grow like a tree, it has roots, and then spread onto branches and sub-branches just like our ancestors act like roots, and then their children become branches and grandchildren sub-branches. 

Things you should keep in mind while constructing a blood Relation Chart

  • Husband and wife should be placed together.
  • Siblings should be placed close to each other.
  • All people of the same generation should be placed at the same level.
  • Parents should be placed above.
  • Children should be placed below.

Blood Relation Question with solution

Example1. If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C, and C is the father of D, how is D related to A if D is a male?


If D is Male, A is Nephew of D.

Example2. While Introducing Bob, Gargi said, “ He is the son of the daughter of the father of my aunt.” How is Bob related to Gargi?


Father of Bob’s aunt → Grandfather of Bob and daughter of the grandfather → Sister of father

Hence, Bob is the brother of Gargi. 

Example3. Read the following instructions:

  1. A%B means A is the brother of B.
  2. A$B means A is the sister of B.
  3. A#b means A is the father of B.

Now, explain the relation between C and M, described as “M $ N # C % F”.


C is the son of M.

Example4.  Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given beside

The Shukla family went to the photographer for their family photograph to add in their family photo album. The photographer arranged them in a straight row facing the South. The family members were Anshu, Rama, Krishna, Deeva, and Sonu.

  1. Anshu was sitting third to the right of his daughter.
  2. Rama was sitting on the right of Krishna, whose husband is the brother of Rama.
  3. Anshu and Sonu were sitting next to each other.
  4. Deeva was not an immediate neighbor of Anshu’s son.
  5. Deeva was sitting at the left end and the mother of Deeva is Krishna, who was the wife of Anshu.
  6. Rama and Anshu were sitting next to each other.

How is Deeva related to the person who sits in the middle of all?


Let’s draw a family tree for understanding the relations between  Anshu, Rama, Krishna, Deva, and Sonu.

Seating Arrangement would be

Deeva, Krishna, Rama, Anshu, and Sonu.

Therefore, the Relation between Deeva And the person sitting in between i.e., Rama is of Aunt. Rama is the aunt of Deeva.


We have so far gone through different types of blood-related problems. We talked about the ways to solve them. Blood relations are all those relations that are from birth or formed after marriage. Logical concepts are used to test the logic and reasoning of people. We have done whatever we could do on a theoretical basis. Now, all you have to do is practice more and more to master blood relation questions.