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All About Computer Abbreviation

What is meant by abbreviation. Complete full form of various abbreviations used in computers for various purposes.

Computer abbreviations are abbreviated versions of a variety of key software terms that are one of the most commonly asked questions in a variety of government examinations, such as those for the Bank, Insurance, SSC, and RRB.

Abbreviations starting with ‘A’

Al – Artificial intelligence

ALGOL – Algorithmic Language

ARP – Address resolution Protocol

ASP- Active Server Pages

ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange

AMR – Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec

AAC – Advanced Audio Coding

ATA – Advanced Technology Attachment

ABR – Average Bit rate

AMOLED – Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode

AMD – Advanced Micro Devices

AVI – Audio Video Interleaved

ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode

ANSI – American National Standard Institute

ARPANET – Advanced Research Projects Agency Network

ADSL -Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

API -Application Program Interface

ACID- Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability


BPS – Bytes Per Second

BBP – Base band Processor

BPM – Business Process Modeling

BGP – Border Gateway Protocol

BIPS – Billion Instruction Per Second

BCR – Barcode Reader

BRD – Blu Ray Disc


CAD – Computer Aided Design

CC – Carbon Copy

COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language

CD – Compact Disc

CRT – Cathode Ray Tube

CDR – Compact Disc Recordable

CD ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory

CDRW – Compact Disc Rewritable

CDR/W – Compact Disk Read/Write

CUI – Character User Interface

CDMA- Code Division Multiple Access

CAN – Campus Area Network

CNM- Circulatory Network Mode


DBA – Database Administrator

DBMS – Database Management System

DNS – Domain Name System

DPI – Dots Per Inch

DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory

DVD – Digital Video Disc/Digital Versatile Disc

DVDR – DVD Recordable

DVD ROM – DVD Read Only Memory

DVDRW – DVD Rewritable

DVR – Digital Video Recorder

DOS – Disk Operating System

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DSL- Digital Subscriber Line

DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language


EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

e-Commerce – Electronic Commerce

EDP – Electronic Data Processing

EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

ELM/e-Mail – Electronic Mail

ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

EOF – End Of File

EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EDI – Electronic Data Interchange


FAX – Far Away Xerox/ facsimile

FDC – Floppy Disk Controller

FDD – Floppy Disk Drive

FORTRAN – Formula Translation

FS – File System

FTP – File Transfer Protocol

FIFO – First In First Out

FAT – File Allocation Table


GPRS – General Packet Radio Service

GPS – Global Positioning System

GUI – Graphical User Interface

Gb – Gigabit

GB – Gigabyte

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication

GIGO – Garbage in Garbage Out


HDD – Hard Disk Drive

HP – Hewlett Packard

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPS – HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

HDMI – High Definition Multimedia Interface

HDTV – High Definition Television

HVD – Holographic Versatile Disc


INTEL – Integrated Electronics

IP – Internet Protocol.

ISP – Internet Service Provider.

IMAP- Internet Message Access Protocol

IVR- Interactive Voice Response

ICANN – Internet Corporation of Assign Names & Numbers

ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network

ISO- International Standard Organization/International Org for Standardization


JAD – Java Application Descriptor

JPEG – Joint Photographic Expert Group


Kb – Kilobit

KB – Kilobyte

KHz – Kilohertz

Kbps – Kilobit Per Second


LED – Light Emitting Diode

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LIFO- Last In First Out


Mb – Megabit

MB – Megabyte

MPEG – Moving Picture Experts Group

MMS – Multimedia Message Service

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character reader

MIPS – Million Instructions Per Second

MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface


NAT – Network Address Translation

NIC – Network Interface Card

NOS – Network Operating System

NTP – Network Time Protocol


OMR – Optical Mark Reader

OOP – Object-Oriented Programming

OSS – Open Source Software

OCR – Optical Character Reader / Recognition


P2P – Peer-to-peer

PDA – Personal digital assistant.

PDF – Portable Document Format

PNG – Portable Network Graphics

POS – Point Of Sale

PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol

PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory

PSTN – Public Switched Telephone Network

PING – Packet Internet Gopher

PAN- Personal Area Network

PCB – Printed Circuit Board

PCB – Printed Circuit Board


RAM – Random Access Memory

ROM – Read Only Memory

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

RIP – Routing Information Protocol


SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SQL – Structured Query Language

SRAM – Static Random Access Memory

SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol

SIM – Subscriber Identification Module

SMPS – Switch Mode Power Supply


UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply

URI – Uniform Resource Identifier

URL – Uniform Resource Locator

USB – Universal Serial Bus

ULSI – Ultra Large Scale Integration

UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer

VIRUS – Vital Information Resource Under Seized

VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol

VAR – Variable

VGA – Video Graphics Array

VSNL – Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited



WAIS – Wide-Area Information Server.

Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity

WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network

WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access

WWW – World Wide Web

WORM – Write Once Read Many

WBMP – Wireless Bitmap Image

WMA – Windows Media Audio

WMV – Windows Media Video

WIMAX- Worldwide Interoperability


The topic has a collection of significant computer abbreviations in this post, covering computer terminologies, protocols, technology, network, memory, and database terminology, as well as language, interface terms, Server, input-output devices short form, and more.

A collection of several computer acronyms or short forms is provided here, along with the full form for easier comprehension.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Bank Examination Preparation.

What is the full form of OMR?

OMR – Optical Mark Reader

What is the full form of WORM?

WORM – Write Once Read Many