The human body comprises seventy percent of water. Hence, it becomes necessary to drink two litres of water at the very least every day. So, you must have proper access to drinkable water near you. However, clean and safe drinking water is not readily available everywhere. Several developing nations are having difficulties providing basic sanitation facilities to their citizens. So, UNICEF(United Nations Children’s Fund) is helping these countries by providing proper clean and safe drinking water facilities. This article will help you understand how UNICEF deals with the water sanitisation problems in developing nations.
The methods UNICEF applies to provide drinkable water in developing countries
Several countries are still facing issues with providing basic sanitation facilities to their citizens. However, UNICEF is providing several facilities with which these countries can gain the ability to provide proper sanitation. One of the most basic things to provide people is clean water. Providing such a service is key in the progression of any country. People require water for many aspects of their life, from cleaning, bathing and drinking. However, you need clean and safe drinking water for everyday drinking. Moreover, safe drinking water helps keep various diseases away. Hence, UNICEF can also keep many water-borne diseases away by providing clean drinking water. Here are some of how UNICEF is applying to increase clean drinking water.
Roughly 98 per cent of the water on the planet is unfit for human consumption. Desalination is a process that purifies sea or saltwater for daily use. The high expenses of seawater desalination have stifled the use of the technology. On the other hand, Arid nations are discovering that it is an essential answer. As per the International Desalination Association, the world’s largest desalination plant in Saudi Arabia generates 273 million gallons of drinking water per day, while desalination provides a fourth of Israel’s water supply. Right to sanitation implies that they can access a clean and sanitised environment. So, they must have access to safe and clean drinking water.
Bicycle Water Purifier
When a cycle and a water filter are combined, simple technology allows people in rural areas to acquire clean water. When Nippon Basic, a Japanese company, designed the bicycle water purifiers, they had this in mind.
As a cyclist pedals, water may be collected straight from the original and purified. Before being kept in a container, the water is filtered using a series of microfiltration membranes. This is one of the better ways for providing basic sanitation facilities.
Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater collection from surfaces where it showers and subsequent storage has been practised by people for generations.
It’s a good approach to reducing dependency on municipal water systems while also delivering water to rural communities that may not have access to conventional water. This is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways for providing basic sanitation facilities. Hence, UNICEF is providing modern solutions for harvesting rainwater in developing nations. However, achieving this does not apply to arid nations. Hence, UNICEF applies other methods like pipelining water from reservoirs and treating them.
Solar stills
Solar stills may desalinate and disinfect water at the same time. The easy answer entails using the sun’s energy to distil water and produce portable, safe drinking water. It was initially designed for army and survival use, with holes cut into the earth and a layer of plastic covering them.
Aquaman is a firm that creates sophisticated portable solar stills that can distil water from several sources and come in portable containers. The Aquaman solar thermal can create two litres of pure water every day when exposed to enough sunshine.
Hence, these are the various techniques and solutions UNICEF provides in various countries. With the global temperature rising, clean and safe drinking water is becoming hard to come by. However, UNICEF provides access to piped water facilities, water treatment solutions and various ways to harvest water. However, it is always helpful to do your part in uplifting society in any way you can. You can employ various ways to save water and reduce water wastage.