On August 1, 2018 the first state energy efficiency preparedness index of the year 2018 was released or launched. The State Energy Efficiency Index was developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency(BEE) and in association with Alliance for an energy-efficient economy(AEEE). Again the state efficiency index was launched in 2019. This includes new indicators like adoption of conservation of energy building code(ACBC) ,efficiency of energy in MSME clusters etc. The data required was collected from the respective state departments. Some of the data providing departments are as follows.
● Urban development departments.
● State designated agencies(SDAs).
The state efficiency index of 2020 assessed the performance of the 29 states and 7 union territories between the dates of april 2019 to march 2020.
Scores of State Efficiency Index
The state efficiency index was divided into four main groups.They are as follows.
● The states with scores above 60 are known as the front-runners.
● The states with scores 50 – 60 are known as the achievers.
● The states with scores 30-49.5 are known as the contenders.
● The states with scores of below 30 are known as the aspirant.
The state efficiency index consists of the 68 indicators across 6 sectors.They are as follows.
● Buildings
● Industry
● Municipalities.
● Transport.
● Agriculture.
● Distribution companies.
This assessment is based on the performance of states and how effectively the efficiency of energy is maintained. This is done with policy,regulation,financing mechanisms,institutional capacity,adoption of energy and energy saving in six sectors.
Now 97 significant indicators have been included in the state efficiency index.
Significance of the State Energy Efficiency Index
● The results of the energy efficiency index mainy helped in the formulation and implementation of effective measures for the conservation of the energy.
● The state efficiency index mainly highlights the best practices among different states and results in healthy competition.
● The state efficiency index sets fondation for states energy efficiency and is used in the tracking of their progresses.
Scores of State Efficiency Index 2020
● The state of Karnataka topped the state efficiency index by securing a score of nearly 70 in state efficiency index.This state belongs to the front runner group.
● The state rajasthan secured second in the state efficiency index by securing a score of nearly 61 in state efficiency index.This state belongs to the front runner group.
● The state of haryana got third place in the state efficiency index by securing a score of nearly 59.5 in state efficiency index.This state belongs to the achievers group.
● The state of Gujarat secured last place with the least score of 34 in the energy efficiency index.
Thus the state efficiency index is helping to achieve the maximum conservation of energy. So it is in our hands to protect the sources of the energy and maintain them, preserve them and provide them safely to the future generation. So, the state energy efficiency helps in maintaining the conservation which helps in maintaining and conserving the ecosystem. So maintaining the state efficiency index of our state and maintaining the country’s efficiency of energy is in our hands.