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Indian Scientists develop self healing materials

Indian Scientists have designed a new self-healing material that can heal itself within minutes after several cuts, an advance that could lead to improved performance of soft electronics.

Scientists in India have developed a new self-healing material that repairs itself from mechanical damages. The material has two parts: one is the materials that break easily, and another part tries to reconnect the broken material by filling them together. What are self-healing materials? When a material can repair scratches, surface cracks, or defects on its own, it is said to be self-healing. Self Healing material automatically and dramatically changes its properties when a defect gets healed under a stimulus. Sometimes, materials like concrete and polymers are found to be as good as dead. They cannot perform any construction work for long periods of time. However, this situation is about to change with the assistance of a group of Indian scientists. 

New Material Developed by Indian Scientists that Repairs Itself without external intervention

Scientists have evolved piezoelectric molecular crystals that restore their personal mechanical harm without the want for any external intervention, the Department of Science and Technology (DST) stated on Saturday. Piezoelectric crystals are a category of substances that generate power while it undergoes a mechanical impact. Devices which are used every day frequently smash down because of mechanical harm, forcing customers both to restore or update them. This decreases the lifestyles of the device and will increase protection costs. In many cases, like in a spacecraft, human intervention for recuperation isn’t possible.

“Keeping such requirements in mind, researchers from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur, have evolved piezoelectric molecular crystals that restore themselves from mechanical damages without want for any outside intervention,” the DST stated in a statement.

Called bipyrazole natural crystals, the piezoelectric molecules evolved through the scientist’s recombine following mechanical fracture with no external intervention, autonomously self-healing in milliseconds with crystallographic precision, it said. In those molecular solids, because of the precise assets of producing electric charges on mechanical impact, the damaged portions collect electric charges on the crack junction, mainly to appeal by broken components and unique autonomous repair themselves from mechanical damages.

This research, supported via way of means of the DST through its Swarnajayanti Fellowship to CM Reddy and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) grants, has been posted withinside the journal “Science” recently. This method initially evolved through the IISER Kolkata crew led by professor C M Reddy, a recipient of the Swarnajayanti fellowship (2015), professor Nirmalya Ghosh of IISER Kolkata, the Society laureate of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers G.G. Stokes Award in 2021, utilises a custom-designed modern polarisation microscopic system to quantify the perfection of the piezoelectric crystals, the declaration said.

Self-healing Material Developed by Indian Scientists 

Molecules utilised in material reconnect on being electrically charged: 

The piezoelectric molecular crystals withinside the material recombine upon breaking because of mechanical stress. The material develops electric powered prices when below the impact, which ends with inside the electrification of damaged pieces. The charge accumulates at the rims or junctions of cracks, which results in appeal inside molecules that result in the reconnection of molecules. The material is able to perform autonomous maintenance inside milliseconds at crystallographic precision. 

Such material will boom the lifestyles of numerous types of equipment: 

The concept at the back of developing the self-healing material is to boost the life of the equipment that is susceptible to mechanical harm and could assist with devices which are tough to restore through human intervention.

Piezoelectric molecular crystals

Piezoelectric molecular crystals are a high-end material for replacing traditional crystals. Its unique characteristic of the piezoelectric effect can not only be directly used for audio amplification, but also can perform acoustic wave converters, sensors, and Artificial Immune systems. The piezoelectric effect was discovered by the French physicist Pierre Curie in 1880. It means that this special crystal has variable potential differences when there is mechanical deformation. Piezoelectricity is a type of electricity generated by materials that have the physical property of piezoelectricity. The phenomenon was discovered in 1880 when Pierre and Jacques Curie found that quartz is capable of generating small amounts of electrical voltage when there was pressure applied to it. Piezoelectrically active materials generate a potential difference when subjected to mechanical stress. That is, they produce electric charge within themselves as a result of some applied mechanical force whether the charge carriers are actually electrons, ions, or anything else. In technical terms, such a material exhibits the piezoelectric effect.


Self-healing materials are a relatively new and revolutionary area in nanotechnology. Due to their similarity to nature and their specific properties, self-healing materials could add incredible value to our lives. Now scientists from India have pushed the limit of what was thought possible for self-healing materials. Piezoelectric nanomaterials are the latest trend in advanced materials research. They have recently created a big stir in the material science world and their potential applications have attracted the attention of researchers all over the world. These materials can convert mechanical energy into electricity (or vice versa) in response to an applied mechanical stimulus, which makes them especially well suited for use in sensors and actuators, but they can also be used to generate chemical reactions and produce light.


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