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Personality Development

What is personality development, and why is it important? For years, psychologists have been studying the effects of psychological interventions via experiments, case studies, participant reports, and clinical investigations.

For a long time, psychologists have focused on personality as a research topic. This research on personality started in earnest in the second half of the eighteenth century.

As individuals studied personality formation over the years, they developed several theories about it. Some opinions are similar, and all seek to explain why people are the way they are. For each approach, the primary objective is to better understand how individuals’ personalities evolve.

The word ‘personality’ is derived from ‘persona,’ the Latin word for ‘mask’, which refers to a mask used by actors to play various characters or hide their identity. 

How to develop one’s personality?

Developing a personality involves a variety of actions aimed at increasing self-awareness and sense of self, as well as honing abilities and maximising employability. 

Institutionalised personal development refers to the approaches, programmes, instruments, strategies, and evaluation systems that aid in the growth of individuals inside companies.

There are various methods for improving self-awareness and enhancing one’s abilities and personal well-being that fall under the umbrella of personal development. It includes both official and informal actions that place individuals in the position of serving as mentors, guides, instructors, and managers to help them reach their full potential.

Freud’s theory of personalities

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory is the earliest of contemporary personality theories. An application of this notion in mental health care is known as psychoanalysis. Many of Freud’s concepts were deeply contentious. 

Through a wide range of fields, Freud has had a profound impact on the way people think about themselves. Academic disciplines such as literature, art, philosophy, cultural studies, cinema theory, and many more have been affected and informed by his views. In current times, Freud’s thesis is one of the most critical intellectual concepts. It doesn’t matter whether they’re correct or incorrect – they’ve made an enormous influence.

Sigmund Freud believed that the mind is like an iceberg, with unconscious material constituting 90% and conscious thoughts making up 10% of the total. According to him, our mental power is mainly derived from our unconscious. Many of the impacts on our thoughts and actions in the psychoanalytic theory are unknown to our conscious minds. Our subconscious is usually there to assist us. 

Freud was of the opinion that the human mind is divided into three main categories – id, ego, and superego. He proposed that the ‘id’ and the ‘superego’ must be in harmony for a healthy personality to emerge. He suggested that they are inherently at odds with one another; the ‘id’ is driven by primal instincts and cravings, while the ‘superego’ is taught patience and self-control. Intrapsychic conflict, or conflict inside one’s own psyche, may be seen in the battle between these two.

Why is personality development important?

Instilling desirable traits like timeliness, flexibility, readiness to learn, a kind temperament, enthusiasm to assist others, and so on may be achieved via personality development. Sharing knowledge with others should never be a concern. And we should always be on time for work. Some folks have a proclivity for staying up late at work. Even if one is only a few minutes late, their personal life may be hampered because of it. Having to stay late at work suggests that one has poor time management skills.

Thus, the process of personality development helps in building a strong personality. The process is quintessential for the development of personality and also helps in learning about emotions better. One must continuously strive to develop a polished personality if one wishes to be admired and well-liked. It takes one to be self-aware to work on their shortcomings. It makes the person more appealing and, thus, separates the hay from the chaff. Personality development is an art that needs to be developed and mastered well to achieve the desired outcomes.

What is the neo-Freudian theory?

Many embraced Freud’s ideas, including his pupils, who went on to refine and extend them. A collection of these beliefs is known as neo-Freudianism. However, they do not lay as much emphasis as Freud did on sexuality as a main motivational element in the development of personality, and they are more hopeful about adults’ ability to modify their personalities over time, as opposed to Freud’s beliefs.


Understanding how to develop personality helps mould oneself into a better individual and provides scope for growth and improvement. To put it simply, a person’s personality may be summed up as the distinct set of ideas, emotions, and actions that define them. Personality is said to develop from the inside and stay relatively stable throughout the course of a person’s lifetime.


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