In this article, our topic of discussion would be primarily extrasensory perception and intersensory perception. Also, we will discuss the symptoms and signs of both types of perception. So let us get right into it.
Extrasensory Perception
The extrasensory perception definition is a highly debated topic in neuroscience and psychology. You might have experienced or heard from people that there is a feeling where you understand that certain things happen by coincidence. Let us take an example, suppose that you are thinking about a particular person, and you received a text from that person at that moment. Also, there are certain instances where people can predict and foresee the future.
One of the most famous examples you must have heard is about Nostradamus, who in the 16th century predicted certain events much ahead of his lifetime.Â
As mentioned above, these phenomena characteristically point out to extrasensory perception.Â
There are various types of books, movies, and multiple media modes that have been created based on this concept.Â
Now let us get into some depth to understand the Extrasensory Perception meaning. Parapsychology analyses types of situations and experiences that are not ordinary. It has two branches
- Psychokinesis
- Extra Sensory Phenomena
Psychokinesis is a term that defines that certain events occur without the involvement of any living beings.
Extrasensory perception means the perceptions or impressions that our brain receives or any communication that occurs without involving any communicating sensory organs.
There are three categories of extrasensory perception.
- Precognition refers to the knowledge of certain future events without any logical explanation.
- Clairvoyance refers to the awareness of unknown objects or materials hidden without prior knowledge or contact with the objects.
- Telepathy: The communication between two people who are separated by miles without prior contact.
Intersensory Perception
This refers to the coordination of the information presented through separate modalities into a kind of integrated experience. For example, the information from one sensory source is transmitted to the association cortex, which could be integrated with information from another sensory source. These are mainly required in tasks that coordinate two or more sensorimotor activities etc.
Now let us understand more about Extrasensory perception meaning and its signs and symptoms.
The Signs and Symptoms of Extrasensory Perception
As you now understand the different categories of extrasensory perception, based on situations, the individual experiences of these categories are different from one another
- Precognition: A person who experiences precognition might have a vague idea or sometimes a crystal-clear knowledge about future events and sequences. The specific individual might experience this even while dreaming or being awake. However, according to different studies, generally, precognitive experiences are unpleasant in nature. They make the individual feel nervous as well as depressed.
- Telepathy: They are generally observed between closely connected people by love or affection. It is seen that sometimes close friends or family members or married couples experience such unexplained communication without using any of their sensory organs. The emotional component is significantly higher in this phenomenon. This type of communication also includes certain physical symptoms which cannot be backed by scientific methods or research.Â
How to Diagnose Extrasensory Perception
Mind Reading
This is a type of forced-choice experiment that J.B. Rhine was the first to introduce in 1930. To conduct this experiment, he first used a deck of cards, and it required the participant to guess the card that was looked at by the person who was experimenting. This experiment could be performed through symbols, numbers, alphabets, and others.
Free-Response Studies
These include certain other experiments where the individual goes to a dream or hallucination state.
These are two ways through which extrasensory perception can be diagnosed. A recent study observed that sometimes extrasensory perception could take a heightened state, and the individual starts believing that everything in the world is governed by specific paranormal behaviour.
Treatment for Extrasensory Perception
As you might understand now that extrasensory perception often causes unpleasant experiences for individuals, there are certain treatment modes for extrasensory perception.
Psychiatric Counselling: Mostly, patients who experience extrasensory perception are not able to explain unusual experiences that they go through in clear terms; hence based on their conditions, extrasensory perception is categorised into two parts:
- Precognition: The psychiatrists, when evaluating patients with extrasensory perceptions, should try to understand the precognitive nature. They should try to verify whether the foreseen events turn out to be true. Also, they should take care that patients do not end up blaming themselves for the unprecedented disastrous events that took place.
- Telepathy: In some cases, patients experience certain physical symptoms similar to those experienced by a close relative or friend. In such cases, psychiatrists may ask patients about any kind of emotional trauma or anyone close to them.
Since we now understand extrasensory perception meaning let us understand now about
Subliminal Awareness
As discussed by Dunne and Saltmarsh, one of the theories about subliminal awareness is that there is a fundamental awareness that is fundamentally trans-temporal; that is, the information acquired is beyond the specious present, which means information that makes us immediately aware. Though generally, we believe that we are aware of some temporal range of information, these theories suggest that a wide temporal range of information is available for an individual.
Hopefully, now you have understood in-depth about extrasensory perception and intersensory perception and its difference. We also discuss the different types of extrasensory perception and the diagnosis of extrasensory perception. Moreover, we also understand subliminal awareness and how it differs from immediate awareness. Hopefully, this will help you understand and comprehend the extrasensory perception definition.Â