The National Anti-doping Bill has been introduced in the Indian Lok Sabha for prohibiting the sportspersons and other persons engaged in sports from receiving any kind of doping for the betterment of performance. The constitution of NADA has been established on the regulations encrypted in the National Anti-doping Bill. Based on this information, the present study has intended to represent an overview of the National Anti-doping Bill 2021. In addition, the study will further contain the explanation based on the National Board of Anti-doping as well.Â
National Anti-doping Bill 2021Â
Doping refers to the consumption of certain substances that offer the athletes some advantages for achieving success in their careers. Under the observation of the agency developed by the International Olympic Committee, the codes of the World Anti-doping Agency were evaluated. Influenced by this harmonic code of WADA, the Indian Parliament has decided to enforce an anti-doping organisation. Following this, based on the Societies. Registration Act, 1860, the Indian government has established an autonomous body called National Anti Doping Agency whose functionality and powers are demonstrated by the National Anti-doping Bill.Â
Prohibition of Doping
The respective bill is responsible for prohibiting the athletes and other personnel-related to sports from engaging in any act of doping. Not only the athletes, even the managers, staff, coaches along with the persons who assist the athletes do not have the right of doping in order to improve their performance. Every person engaged in athletic practice needs to ensure that there is no violation of the rules that are encrypted in the bill. The rules include no presence of prohibited substances, no attempted use or possession of prohibited substances, no refusal in submitting a sample and many more.Â
NADA: National Anti-doping Agency
Clause number 19 of the National Anti-doping bill of the Lok Sabha provides the power and explains the functions of NADA. NADA has the power of entering, searching and seizing any athlete in the case being found in any doping activity for purpose of determining the achievements of succession in the sports career. The above-demonstrated acts will be considered a violation of the rules encrypted in the bill that can be the reason for seizing.Â
National Board for Anti-doping in Sports
The representation of the bill in the parliament has resulted in the establishment of the National Board for Anti-doping in Sports. The primary responsibility of this respective board is to recommend the government bodies while developing the regulations regarding anti-doping legislation. The responsibility of the board also includes the actions regarding the compliance of anti-doping activities and rules with international commitments on the basis of anti-doping. In addition, it has been stated in the bill that, if any athlete is in need of using any kind of doping for resolving crucial health issues, the athlete can ask for permission from the committee of the respective board.Â
Violation of Bill
Anti-doping Rule violation has been included in the below-mentioned regulations:
Marking of any prohibited substance in the metabolites of the athlete
Use or attempted use of any prohibited method or substances while being exempted by the agency under the regulations of section 5 of the bill
Failing in providing any justifiable reason for the prohibition of the identified supplement of dopingÂ
Identified while practising such acts as trafficking or attempted trafficking of any doping substances or methodÂ
Being found guilty while covering up such practices of above-mentioned actions by any sportsperson
Consequences of Rule Violation
The moment an athlete is found to be guilty according to the previously mentioned actions can result in disqualification of the respective athlete. The athlete will be labelled with ineligibility for participating in any further competition or event even including the events of funding under the sports. Provisional suspension can be ordered to the identified athlete that will prevent the participation of the athlete in any kind of sporting activities and competitions as well. However, these decisions can be subject to change if the guilty wishes to appeal under section 23. Representing promising documents against the guilty person can save the person form marking as ineligible. Â
The current study has shed light on the matter that the functionality of the agency of anti-doping has included monitoring, planning and implementing the movements required for securing a doping-free sports culture in India. The primary activity of the National Anti Doping board is to oversee the actions taken by NADA regarding the raised issues regarding doping of a sports person. In addition, the study further has included the information regarding the violation of the bill along with exemplifying the consequences of the violation of the respective bill.