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Localization of Sustainable Development Goals

Localization of the sustainable development goal is primarily used as an indicator, which is initially required to monitor and measure the predominant procedure of parliament related work.

Indian localization is a procedure, where the sub-national context is taking the achievement of 2030’s agenda. The Key Highlight of the Vice President’s Address is to only integrate the constitutional duty, which is primarily to preside over the governmental unit and parliamentary senate. National conference on localization, one of the main aspects is to set up the basic target and goals, which is initially required to determine the sustainable goals implication. The Key Highlights of the Vice President’s Address is symbolized as a constitutional duty. The Vice President of an Indian nation cannot vote for the active parliamentary senate. 

Key Highlights of the Vice President’s Address: Overview

Vice precedent is considered as one of the most powerful people in the Indian parliament. As per the basis of constitutional grand, the vice president’s two major duties are to preside over the predominant senate and vote for the specific party, in case of an initial tie occurred between two major parties. The vice president is primarily given his valuable vote and makes a single party win. However, not only in the parliamentary senate, thus participating in various national and international policy meetings and undertaking the most authorized oriented vital assignments. The vice president of the nation also serves as a predominant member of the most valuable “National Security Council”. The vice president has a top-quality level leadership role in a specific multinational company and different types of overseas departments. The current vice president of India is M Venkaish Naidu. He was elected vice president on the year of 11th august, 2017. The key highlights of the Vice President’s Address are summarized as the second most powerful and authoritative person in the entire nation. One of the mainstream works of the vice president is to support the president in various internal oriented operations and also take the entire nation’s responsibility when the president is absent. 

Evaluate the importance of sustainable development goals

  • Importance of sustainable development goals is to provide worldwide oriented guidance for global challenges, which are primarily faced in the predominant international community

  • Protecting the predominant natural foundation of human life and primarily saving the world from pollution, corruption and political default

Main targets of the sustainable development goals: Significance

The United Nation primarily adopts sustainable developmental goal (SDG) in the year 2015. As per the basis of 2030’s agenda, 17 types of SDGs are primarily mentioned. The main motto of this specifically mentioned goal is to create a new and better world. The 17 types of SDGs are, 

  • No poverty throughout the nation

  • Zero hunger

  • Good well being and health

  • Quality-oriented education

  •  True gender equality

  • Clean the environment, especially the clean the sanitation and water resistance

  • Clean and affordable oriented energy source

  • Proper economical growth and decent working opportunities for all the people in the nation

  • Building up the best quality-oriented infrastructure, innovation and multiple types of industry

  • Primarily reduced the inequality between the rich and poor people

  • Sustainable communities and various cities

  • Primarily responsible for the production and consumption

  • Different types of climate action

  • Sufficient water for drink and multiple essential purposes

  • Keep the land appropriate for agricultural purposes

  • Make the nation evaluate with pure justice, strong intention and proper peace

  • Create different types of partnerships to initiate multiple types of vital goals


The Vice president of an Indian nation is unable to vote for the senate, thus the specifically mentioned authoritative person can have the right to break a tie. Hence, it is primarily concluded that the vice president of the nation may not formally address as a senate person, however with the permission of senators, the key highlights of the Vice President’s address as an active senate. The sustainable goal is considered one most important global goal, which is considered the blueprint of universal action. The mainstream motto of SDG is to achieve a comfortable, economically valuable and better sustainable future for all the people in the nation.


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