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Global Value Chain

A Global Value Chain is a model for the flow of various products, components, and services from suppliers to the final customers in a specific region. This article explains What is a Global Value Chain?

‍It is evident that global value chains are growing in importance. There are several major causes for this, including increasing competition, rising demand for products from other countries, and the desire to keep costs low. As a result, companies are increasingly looking at the possibility of integrating their operations. Global value chains have become more prevalent over time, and they are likely to continue to grow in the future. This article explores What is a Global Value Chain and trends in global value chains. So, the global supply chain has become essential in keeping all the companies profitable.

What is a Global Value Chain?

A Global Value Chain is a highly integrated system of all the suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers, all located worldwide. A global supply chain often called a Global Supply Chain, is an integrated system of suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers located around the world. Global value chains are characterised by production and distribution that are no longer limited to the boundaries of a single country. Companies now commonly operate in a global value chain, meaning that they rely on one another for production, marketing, and distribution. Countries now compete for foreign direct investment and jobs, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a country. It is the meaning of what is a global value chain?

How is a Global Value Chain Different?

There is a great difference between Value Chain and Global Value Chain because the latter is limited by a company’s market size. As a company’s market expands, its supply chain can also do the same. For example, a U.S.-based company that sells toys may have a supply chain that begins with the manufacturer and ends with the retailer. If the retailer wants to expand into other countries or other channels, they will only need to make a few changes in their supply chain rather than starting over from scratch. A Global Value Chain is different because it is a network of supply chains across the globe. An operation that produces one type of product may have a global supply chain that includes producing other products. It is significant to remember that the size of a company’s global supply chain is usually driven by demand.

Why is the Global Supply Chain Necessary?

Companies find it beneficial to operate in a global value chain because they can achieve greater economies of scale. Global value chains are significantly more efficient compared to local value chains. It is because India and GVC allow for better management of inventory, easier transportation, and more collaborative cross-border production. Local value chains also limit economies of scale by forcing companies to maintain separate inventory for each market where they are sold. Conversely, a global supply chain allows companies to pool inventory and make it easier to forecast demand, leading to better sales forecasting.

Benefits of a Global Value Chain

  • Improved Supply Chain Visibility- Global value chains allow companies to increase visibility into their supply chain. With increased visibility comes the ability to optimise inventory, identify production inefficiencies, and pinpoint sources of issues. 

  • Improved Demand Forecasting- Increased visibility allows companies to forecast demand, leading to better sales forecasting. Moreover, demand forecasting can determine optimal order sizes and improve customer service by anticipating customer needs. 

  • Lower Overhead- Increased operational efficiency means a smaller investment in assets. For example, it is cheaper for a company to rent a warehouse than buy new equipment. 

  • Improved Operational Quality- Global value chains are also associated with improved operational quality. It is because companies can collaborate with other companies across borders, reducing the likelihood of issues due to language or cultural barriers.

Challenges of a Global Value Chain

  • Increased Compliance Risk- Global compliance risks can also occur in a global supply chain. For example, due to the growth of multinational companies, there is an increasing risk of regulatory violations. 

  • Increased Innovation Risk – Global value chains can also pose an increased risk of innovation risk. It is harder to begin a new business within a global supply chain. 

  • Slow Decision Making- A key challenge of a global supply chain is the slowness of decision-making. It can be problematic because it takes longer to identify the root cause of issues, leading to longer repair times and a failure to meet customer expectations.


Global value chains are a unique aspect of the modern business landscape. They bring together vendors from around the globe to reach broader market segments, but they also create new challenges. The global value chain has become more prominent in recent years. It describes a manufacturing process that is performed by manufacturers from different countries using the same raw materials, using the same equipment, and employing the same workers. As a result, Now you all know What is a Global Value Chain? It enables a company to respond to changes in demand and maintain continuous quality in all their products.


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