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Every Detail You Need to Know about the Central Consumer Protection Authority

Central Consumer Protection Authority” was established for protecting consumer rights to maintain a fair practice in the market. The concerned authority also looks after false as well as misleading advertisements that can be harmful to the consumers and maintain the public interest in the product or services. It is said “about Central Consumer Protection Authority” that it was set up under section 10(1) of “The Consumer Protection Act, 2019” by the government authority. It is also said “about Central Consumer Protection Authority” that the organization was principally set up for monitoring the manufacturing process of products as well as is responsible for looking after the selling process, storage system and the distribution process. 

Discussion about Central Consumer Protection Authority

It is said “about Central Consumer Protection Authority” that there is a great significance of setting up the organization is to maintain the quality of food along with other products and services. The concerned organization is also responsible for taking a particular action in case of dangerous, hazardous as well as unsafe food items along with other products and services. The concerned organization is led under the instructions of the central government. In recent times the “Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs” has disclosed that the powers of CCPA will be increased and the particular organization is now able to recommend new regulations to the parliamentary body.  According to “The Wireless Telegraphy Act” selling unsafe food items and misleading the customers with false promotions is illegal and in case of consumer rights violation the “Central Consumer Protection Authority” can take legal steps like fine and imprisonment.  

Possible structure of the CCPA

    • The recent research “about Central Consumer Protection Authority”, said that the Chief Commissioner at the state, district and national levels. The organization includes two commissioners among them the first commissioner is responsible for dealing with the product and service relates issues and the other commissioners are responsible for monitoring the complaints of the customers related to the product or services in terms of violation of the trade act or misleading advertisements
    • The headquarters of the organization was situated in Delhi , but the central government of India has set up a different regional office in the different metro city 
  • The Possible structure of CCPA includes the power of investigation for consumer rights violations, misleading advertisement promotion and unfair trade relations is handed to District Collectors

Powers of the Central Consumer Protection Authority

  • The “Central Consumer Protection Authority” is responsible for inquiring as well as investing in the product manufacturing process as well as the selling process. The organizations also maintain a fair trade transaction as well as deals with the complaints of the customers 
  • Powers of the Central Consumer Protection Authority highlight that the dangerous, hazardous as well as unsafe withdrawal system or the recalling goods or services are maintained by the organization
  • The maintenance of the “National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission” with the district, state and regional sections for looking after the consumer rights violation process and the complaints about the consumers as well as the traders 
  • The “Central Consumer Protection Authority” also makes aware the customers as well as provides an alert frequently for recognizing the hazardous as well as unsafe products or services 


It is said “about Central Consumer Protection Authority” that the organization is responsible for dealing with the consumer’s complaints as well as resolving the issue of consumer rights violations. The import and export system is also another function of the organization. It can be stated “about Central Consumer Protection Authority” that it is said that the authority makes penalties in some of the cases like in case of an injury is not caused to customers then it can be fined up to 10000 rupees along with up to six months imprisonment. In case of a grievous hurt caused by customers then fine up to 500000 rupees along with up to seven years imprisonment.


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