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Dual Citizenship

Dual citizen status is a wide recognition. In this article we will learn about dual citizenship and the countries which offer it.

Dual citizen status is a legal recognition in which an individual is considered a citizen of more than a country under the regulations of those countries at the same time. There is no convention that determines a person’s nationality or citizenship status. This is solely defined by laws, which can differ and conflict with one another. Dual citizenship countries arise as a result of different countries’ use of different and is not necessary to be mutually exclusive, citizenship criteria.


A person with multiple citizenships is generally entitled to the same rights of citizenship within every country in which they hold citizenship, such as the right to a passport, the right to stay in the country, the right to work, the right to own property, the right to vote, and so on.

Benefits of A Dual Citizenship


  •     Global Mobilization – A few passports restrict your ability to travel to any location and it can be very restrictive. This complicates travel by necessitating the acquisition of travel visas. Obtaining a second passport can help to solve this problem just by increasing mobility and removing bureaucratic systems from any equation.


  •     Businesses – Obtaining second citizen status opens the door to a wide range of opportunities as well as facilitates the completion of business transactions that would otherwise be unavailable or difficult to obtain following an original passport.


  •     Security – Having a second passport out of a country gives you peace of mind. You keep a backup plan in case of social, economic, or political unrest in your own country.


  •     Quality – Relying on the passport you obtain, you may gain access to global healthcare and education, and an overall improved lifestyle.


High net worth citizens can unlock their maximum potential just by accessing greater opportunities in some other country by obtaining Dual Citizenship. This entails safeguarding your future, whether through healthcare, education, or a better way in life.

Eligibility for Dual Citizenship

Before trying to apply for dual citizenship, individuals should consider a number of factors. The eligibility criteria can differ depending on the country.


  •     In order to obtain Indian citizenship, applicants must meet the criteria outlined above.
  •     Individuals who have lived in India for at least 7 years can apply for Indian citizenship.
  •     Individuals who are married in an Indian family are also eligible for Indian citizenship.
  •     An adult with Indian citizenship through his or her parents is able to qualify for Indian citizenship. They must, however, have lived in India for a year at least.
  •     For the past five years, a person has been registered as an Indian overseas citizen.

List Of Countries that allow dual citizenship


Here is a list of countries that allow dual citizenship, while others permit only in exceptional circumstances. Here are some of the dual citizenship countries policies:

  1.  Albania                   
  2. The Gambia
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Latvia 
  5. Peru
  6. Chile
  7. Poland
  8. Taiwan
  9. Syria
  10. Algeria
  11. American
  12. Samoa       
  13. Lithuania    
  14. Portugal      
  15. Tajikistan
  16. Colombia    
  17. Ghana
  18. Angola
  19. Comoros                
  20. Romania     
  21. Thailand
  22. Greece       
  23. Luxembourg
  24. Antigua & Barbuda
  25. Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)    
  26. Russian Federation   
  27. Tibet
  28. Grenada     
  29. Macau
  30. Argentina    
  31. Ivory Coast 
  32. Guinea-Bissau       
  33. Mali
  34. Costa Rica 
  35. Australia     
  36. Armenia                 
  37. Malta  
  38. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  39. Tunisia
  40. Australia
  41. Croatia       
  42. Haiti
  43. Barbados   
  44. Czech Republic     
  45. Scotland
  46. Uganda
  47. Belgium
  48. Hong Kong 
  49. Mexico        
  50. Denmark    
  51. United Kingdom
  52. Iceland
  53. Morocco
  54. Dominica    
  55. Seychelles
  56. Belize 
  57. Djibouti       
  58. United States
  59. Benin       

India dual citizenship countries

There is no provision in the Indian constitution for dual or multiple citizenships. Rather, an Indian can obtain a second passport from a specific country. However, they are required to give up their Indian citizenship.

The Passports Act of 1967 requires all Indian residents to give up their passports to the closest embassy after acquiring the nationality of another country. After obtaining foreign citizenship, Indians must obtain Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) status. 

The following are some of the prerequisites for dual citizenship:

Individuals who knowingly and willingly seek citizenship of the foreign state, in accordance with Articles 5, 6, and 8, will lose their Indian citizenship.

They will believe the nationality of the foreign state from which the request for citizenship was made.

 Even though there are no regulations in India for dual citizenship, individuals can apply for an OCI card. This will provide numerous advantages.

Documents required to apply for dual citizenship

  •     Evidence of current citizenship
  •     Besides the original passport, a duplicate of the cancelled passport is required. A drill stamp is required on this passport.
  •     Proof in the home
  •     Details about an applicant’s current and previous job positions
  •     PIO cardholders must submit a photocopy of their cards.


However, mostly because the USA makes it possible for dual citizenship does not necessarily imply that other countries of origin do as well. A few countries, like China and India, would not recognise your naturalised American status on their territory. When you become a citizen of the United States, you may lose your citizenship in those countries automatically. Before pursuing U.S. citizenship, it is essential to understand dual citizenship countries and its rules in every country of origin.


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