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All About Different Types of Inclusion

Study Inclusion and its types, principles, and advantages. This article contains the importance of Inclusion and also the barriers to Inclusion.

Inclusion is making a person, thing, or idea part of a group or collection. Inclusion is the addition of any policy or practice to ensure that everyone in society has access to resources and opportunities. Inclusion is a universal human right that provides opportunities to eliminate discrimination and tolerance. Inclusion aims to accept everyone irrespective of their race, gender, medical or other need. If a book covers different ideas and subjects, it is referred to as an example of the inclusion of many ideas. Inclusion affects every aspect of life and helps people develop a positive self-image.  

Importance of Inclusion: Inclusion philosophy rests on the idea that every individual, in any case of their disabilities, has the right to be integrated into the united society. The benefits of Inclusion are not only for children with disabilities and their families but for all children in our society. When we include children in Inclusion, they learn acceptance of other people and know about their unique abilities. Inclusion provides equal opportunities for the children with special needs to participate in the same activities as other children. Social Inclusion plays a vital role in determining the health of a person. An inclusive society enables people to get equal access to make decisions and participate in social activities.

Principles of Inclusion:

We have found some purposes for the principles of Inclusion. Inclusion promotes equity, access, and rights the children and students with disability in education and care. It provides broad and consistent criteria for early childhood to assess their progress towards Inclusion. Inclusion contributed to reducing discrimination against disabled children and students treated less fairly than their peers.

Inclusion and its types 

Inclusion has two subtypes, the first one is called regular Inclusion, and the other is called full Inclusion. There are multiple forms of Inclusion and their impact on society. Each Inclusion has a different impact on society and the people who belong to the society. Here is an overview of some different types of inclusions. 

  • Inclusion in the Workplace: When people feel valued and are accepted in a massive organization without having to abide by is considered workplace inclusion. An inclusive organization always supports its employees regardless of their background or circumstances to prosper at work. Before building Inclusion in the workplace, we need to understand how people experience the traits of an inclusive workplace. Diversity and inclusion initiatives are aimed to reduce obstacles and bring people from different groups into full participation in the workplace. Here are some types of diversity found in the workplace.
  • Diversity in genderDiversity in race or ethnicity
  • Divergence for LGBT workers 
  • Divergence for disabled workers and their age limit
  • Diversity in religion and spiritual beliefs

We should create an inclusive environment in the workplace where diverse candidates can thrive easily. Inclusion is the only scalable way to build diversity within an organization. Diversity in the workplace matters because modern organizations can not meet the fall behind the curve for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

  • Inclusion in Education: Inclusion in education defines a model where special-needs students spend most of their time with general students. Inclusive education aims to provide an appropriate learning environment and enable each to reach their potential. Inclusive education is an effective way that provides children with a fair chance to go to school and develop their skills for progress. Within an inclusive educational environment, the diversity and uniqueness of students should be treated fairly without any discrimination. Some issues that lead to discrimination in education include race, gender, household income, and the language they speak. All students have different individual needs, so types of inclusive education are based on their basic requirements.
  • Full Inclusion: A full inclusion model means that students with visible or hidden disabilities should be treated equally with their fellow batchmates.
  • Partial Inclusion: This teaching model allows all students to learn and interact with the primary classroom. However, it involves independent learning for those who need additional support outside of the classroom.
  • Mainstreaming: This method helps disabled students to begin their education journey in a self-contained classroom away from the primary classroom. 
  • Inclusion in Society:

Social Inclusion is a process where everyone can achieve their full potential in life and get equal opportunities regardless of their background. Social Inclusion is multidimensional; it encloses social, political, cultural, and economic dimensions at various social levels. Social Inclusion complements the concept of inequalities that focuses on the imbalance between different categories of people. Social Inclusion is about the dignity and worth of every person, considered the backbone of all human rights. An inclusive society aims to promote and empower social, economic, and political Inclusion irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, or status.

  • Inclusion in finance: Financial Inclusion is when individuals and businesses can access valuable and affordable financial products and services that fulfil their needs. These include banking, loans, and insurance products. Financial Inclusion aims to bring digital financial solutions to the economically deprived people of the nation. It leads to bringing mobile banking or financial services to reach the poorest people living in the highly remote areas of the country. Financial Inclusion also helps reduce poverty with inclusiveness in opportunities and enhanced shared global economic prosperity. 


According to the above study, we have seen different types of Inclusion in our society. Each category is essential in its manner, be it educational, social, or financial, in the workplace. Inclusion indicates the importance of equality among all people, neglecting differences. This is important for the overall welfare and smooth functioning in every aspect of society. In today’s world, differences in people’s thought processes are one of the major causes of all kinds of problems in society. The concept of Inclusion eradicates this.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the UPSC Examination Preparation.

What are the 7 pillars of Inclusion?

Ans.The seven pillars of Inclusion are access, attitude, choice, partnerships, communication, policy, and opportunities.


What are the four qualities of an inclusive leader?

Ans. The four must-have qualities of an inclusive leader should be fairness and respect, collaboration and cooperation.

What are the 3 principles of Inclusion?

Ans. The three principles of Inclusion promote equity, access, and equal opportunity for all.

What are the goals of Inclusion?

Ans. The goal of an inclusive education system is to provide all students with the most appropriate learning environ...Read full