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A Study on Fame India Scheme Phase II

The concept about the FAME India Scheme is primarily symbolized as the incentive scheme, which encourages the predominant adoption of hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles.

About the FAME India Scheme, it can be summarized as the predominant incentive oriented scheme. The full form of this specifically mentioned scheme is “faster adoption and manufacturing of Hybrid and electrical vehicles” all over India. The powerful central government of the Indian nation primarily provides the Fame India schemes. The fame Subsidy is considered as the two-wheeler oriented vehicles; however, the two-wheeler should run 80 kilometres based on a single charge and initially manage to go the 40-kilometre distance at the list. The two-wheeler is also primarily needs a predominant degree of localization. Due to the localization procedure, the specifically mentioned two-wheeler is qualified for different types of benefits.      

Evaluate about the FAME India Scheme

The predominant fame India II scheme is primarily introduced as the greater drive adoption of the particular EVs in India. The scheme called Fame India II was first launched in the year of April 2019. However, this particular scheme is initially launched with an actual budget of 10,000 crores. Thus, the mainstream motto of the fame India Scheme is to primarily support more than 7000 electronic buses. Thus not only the buses, more than 55,000 e passenger-oriented vehicles and more than 50,000 e commerce-oriented three-wheelers (Auto rickshaws), are used as e passengers vehicles. In this scheme of Fame India II, more than one million two-wheelers are also introduced as greater adoption of predominant EVs. As of the year of more 2022, more than 1, 24,415 vehicles initially got extreme amounts of benefit under these specifically mentioned schemes. 

Two phases of the FAME India scheme

The two phases of the FAME India scheme primarily operate in two different types of ideological phases, such as Phase I and Phase II. The above-mentioned phase is initially required to promote the Indian automobile business, which partially includes, “Two-wheeler (Bike, Motorcycle), three-wheelers (Auto rickshaw) and commercial passenger vehicles. The two types of phases are, 

  • Phase I, is first launched in the year of 2015 and it will primarily function till the year of 31st march 2019. In this particular phase, four types of e-commerce segmentation are initiated in this scheme, which includes, “Demand creation, Pilot project, technology-oriented platform and charging infrastructure” the government of India primarily allocated 895 crores for the phase I operation. 
  • Phase II is an operational E-commerce business is first initiated in the year of April 2019 and primarily contracted to function until the year of 31st march 2022. Thus, due to this specifically mentioned huge popularity, this predominant scheme is extended until the year 2024. The main motto of this particular scheme is to adoption procedures for electrical and hybrid vehicles. The Indian government for developing electric vehicles initially launches this particular scheme.    


Ultimate focus Areas of the FAME India scheme

  • The predominant phase of the FAME India Scheme primarily focuses on four different types of areas, which include “Demand creation, technological development, charging infrastructure and Pilot segmental projects”. 
  • The main purpose of this predominant “fame India scheme is to modernize the environmentally friendly vehicles industry. However, not only the eco-friendly vibe, this scheme another motto is to increase the sale of pollution-free eco-friendly vehicles. 
  • The mainstream aim of the “Fame India scheme” (FIS) is to invent eco-friendly vehicles to reduce pollution, which is primarily caused by the excessive level of fuel burning.
  • The FIS scheme envisages approximately 795 crores to support the fiscals in this current year (2022). This particular scheme is first started in different types of metropolitan cities throughout the entire Indian nation. 
  • Fame India Scheme main initiative is not only provision of eco-friendly vehicles but also diminish pollution. 



The concept of the FAME India Scheme is primarily considered as the governmental E commerce-oriented vehicle scheme. Hence it is primarily concluded that this particular scheme initially provides subsidies on each and every purchase of brand new electric oriented vehicles. The Fame India Scheme also derivatively promotes electrical mobility. The scheme was first launched in the year of 2019 and invented governmental planning in the year of 2022. The scheme has gained extreme popularity and this specifically mentioned scheme will be initially applicable till the year of 31st march 2024. The Fame India scheme is also a pre vital part of the National electrical mobility oriented mission plan.   


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