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A Detailed Explanation of the Issues over Delimitation in the Northeast Region

The delimitation commission is a commission of boundaries that are set by the government of India. The commission and its creation create issues in the North-eastern region. In this factor issues occurred in the commission of the region and a chronology of events has also occurred regarding this. In this study, the delimitation commission has called it illegal and unconstitutional. They will also study the changing number of seats in those states.      


What Is the Delimitation Commission?

The Delimitation Commission is also known as the Boundary Commission and the Indian Government establishes it. It is provided under the provisions of the Delimitation Commission Act. The commission has an important role in commission and the main task it has done is the redrawing of the boundaries of Lok Sabha and different assembly that is based on the recent census. It can see that the representation of the State is not changed during the exercise. It can also be seen that the seats of the ST and SC in a state changed at the time of the census. The delimitation of the constituencies is done based on a census that was made in 2001 and was made under the provisions of the Delimitation Act, 2002.   

Chronology of Events With Regards to Issues over Delimitation in the Northeast Region

A former advisor of the Election commission who was legally employed has red-flagged the order of the centre. The order was to set up a delimitation commission for Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland and it can be called Illegal and unconstitutional. The chronology of events regarding the issues over this commission in the region of Northeast is described below-

  • The last delimitation exercise was started in 2002 and ended in 2008
  • The empowerment of the President for postponing the exercise of the Delimitation Act of 2002 was amended in January 2008
  • Parliament decided that the Northeast states would be carried out by the Election Commission

The chronology of events has shown the factors that arise after the delimitation of the northeast region. In this factor for making the purpose successful, an act was introduced namely Section 8A of the RP Act.   

Why Has the New Delimitation Commission Been Called “Illegal” And “Unconstitutional”?

It can be seen that the new commission of the delimitation has been called illegal and unconstitutional and there were various reasons for it. In the year 2008, the parliament decided that the Election Commission would do the exercise of the chosen countries. The delimitation was deferred in this place by the President and was said that another delimitation commission will be made for the future purpose of redrawing the seat boundaries in the north-eastern states. In this factor, an act namely the People Act 1950 was amended, and also Section 8A was introduced for surviving the purpose. A notification from the Law of Ministry in March 2020 also violates the Representation of the People Act of 1950.  

Will Delimitation Change the Number Of Seats in These States?

The answer to this question is No and it can be said that there will be a freeze until 2026. The freezing will be in the seats of Assembly in any state and on the number of Lok Sabha. Delimitation in this factor can only draw the boundaries of seats in every state and they can also rework the number of reserved seats for STs and SCs. However, a fact arises in this matter that due to the past circumstances the assembly seats of Kashmir and Jammu will be increased from 107 to 114. The increment of seats can be a chance the increase the representation of the Jammu region in the Parliament of India. It is considered the most important fact of this delimitation commission    


The Delimitation Commission is an important aspect and here the discussion of the fourth north-eastern region is described. The states in this study are Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh. The process of the delimitation is also called unconstitutional and illegal and chronological events have occurred in this place. Those are the important matters that the study is dealt with and is considered the most important part of the delimitation commission.


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