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Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY or Saanjhi) is a project launched by the government of India on 11th October 2014. The main motive of the project is the development of the model villages.

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is a village development program in which each Member of Parliament will be responsible for developing physical and institutional infrastructure in three villages by March 2019. They adopt a Gram Panchayat and guide its holistic progress. They are giving importance to social development with infrastructure. Its goal is to develop five ‘Adarsh Villages’ by 2024. This project is also known as Saanjhi. It was launched in October 2014 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It focuses on the social and cultural development of the villages. Thus, let us discuss the main objectives of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. 

Objective Of SAGY  

Here we discuss the main objectives of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. 

  • The objective of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is to start a process that leads to the holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats. 

  • To develop the standard of living and quality of life of the population by the

  • Improved basic amenities

  • Enriched social capital

  • Better livelihood opportunities

  • Higher productivity

  • Access to rights and entitlements

  • Wider social mobilisation

  • Enhanced human development

  • Reduced disparities

  • To create a model of local level development and effective local governance, which can motivate neighbouring Gram Panchayats to learn from it. 

  • To identify ideal villages as schools of local development to inspire other gram panchayats. 

Identification Of Village For SAGY 

First, we need to know how to select a village for Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. 

  • As we know, a Gram panchayat would be the basic unit. So, It has a population of 3000-5000 in plain areas and approx 1000-3000 in the tribal, hilly, and difficult areas. 

  • The MP will be free to identify a suitable Gram Panchayat to be developed as an Ideal village. 

  • The MP can identify one Gram panchayat immediately and another later.

  • Lok Sabha MP can choose a Gram Panchayat from his constituency. Also, Rajya Sabha MP can choose Gram Panchayat from the rural area of a district of his choice in the State where he is elected. 

Strategy To Convert Identified Village Into Ideal Village 

  • First, we have to plan to identify peoples’ needs and priorities in an integrated manner.

  • Then, converting resources from Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes and other State schemes as much as possible. 

  • Also, Repair the existing infrastructure as much as possible. 

  • Enhancing the Gram Panchayats and peoples’ institutions into it. 

  • Upgrade transparency and accountability. 

Activities In An Adarsh Gram

The Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana should grow people’s shared vision. It can be done by their capacities and available resources as much as possible. Let us know some activities of Adarsh Gram. 

Personal Development

  • Reducing risk behaviour- alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse,

  • Increasing hygienic behaviour and habits, including daily exercise and games. 

Social Development

  • Motivating people to participate and contribute to local development

  • Celebrating ‘Village Day’

  • Start some activities to honour village elders, local role models, women, and freedom fighters. 

  • Organising village sports and folk art festivals.

  • Take steps for excluded groups like Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

Human Development

  • Providing basic health facilities, including health cards. 

  • Total immunisation

  • Balancing the sex-ratio

  • 100% institutional delivery

  • Adult literacy

  • Improving nutrition status and focus on children, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers. 

  • Converting schools into smart schools. 

Economic Development

  • Organic farming

  • Soil health cards

  • Livestock development

  • Micro-irrigation

  • Agro-service centres

Environmental Development

  • Start a program to create a clean and green village. Such as providing toilets in each household and all public institutions. And appropriate management of solid and liquid waste. 

  • Tree plantation

  • Rainwater harvesting

  • Reducing local pollution

Social Security

  • Providing pension for old age, disability, and widow. 

  • Providing health insurance

  • Insurance schemes like Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana

Basic amenities & services

  • Providing pucca houses

  • Providing a treated piped water

  • Road with covered drains

  • Road connectivity to the main road network

  • Electricity connection to all households and street-lights 

  • Village markets

  • Micro mini banks

  • CCTVs in public places

  • Common Service Centres

  • Telecom connectivity

  • Broadband connectivity

  • Pucca buildings for public institutions- Anganwadis, Gram Panchayat Office, schools, health institutions, and libraries. 

Good Governance

  • Upgrade local democracy through strong and accountable Gram Panchayats and active Gram Sabhas. 

  • E-Governance

  • Gram Panchayat acting as an information facilitation centre

  • Provision of UIDAI cards 

  • Holding a Gram Sabha at least 4 times a year

  • Holding of Bal Sabhas every quarter


From the above discussion, we understand the main objectives of the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, and we know the progress till date in the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana. Thus, The Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna is a village development program whose goal is to develop three Adarsh Grams by March 2019.  one goal would be achieved by 2016. And five such Adarsh Grams will be selected and developed by 2024. We can say that this project converts the comprehensive vision of Mahatma Gandhi about an ideal Indian village into reality. This project involves villagers and leveraging scientific tools, which are helpful for the development plan.


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