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Launch of National Rural Sanitation Strategy for 10 Years

The Objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy For 10 Years from 2019 to 2029 will ensure that people continue to use toilets. It will also concentrate on correctly deploying solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) in rural regions, including plastic trash, greywater, organic waste, and faecal sludge. Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are the sanitation behaviour change accomplished via the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM-G), ensuring that no one will be left behind, and expanding access to solid and liquid waste management. They include converting single pit toilets to dual pits or creating plans to empty pits every 5 years, repairing broken bones, and building soak pits for septic tanks.

Objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy

The main objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are described as follows,

  • Invest heavily in education and awareness programs to ensure that people realise clean sanitation needs.

  • Extend the program beyond rural homes to include rural schools & nursery schools. The emphasis was once again on encouraging proper sanitary habits.

  • Encourage the use of cost-effective and acceptable technology.

  • Enhance the health and wellbeing in rural communities by doing all of the above.

  • The Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are to improve the overall quality of life in rural regions by encouraging cleanliness, hygiene, and the abolition of open defecation.

  • To increase sanitation facilities in rural regions to meet the Swachh Bharat goal by October 2nd, 2019.

  • Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation are to Strategy encourage communities to implement sustainable sanitation practices and facilities by raising awareness and providing health education.

  • Encourage cost-effective and appropriate technology for environmentally safe and long-term sanitation.

  • If necessary, create community-managed sanitation systems based on scientific Solid and Liquid Waste Management systems for environmental cleanliness in rural regions.

  • Improve sanitation, particularly in vulnerable groups, to positively influence gender and promote social inclusion.

10-year Strategy

Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are described as,

The plan intends to preserve the behavioural change in sanitation achieved via the Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin (SBM-G) and ensure that the focus shifts to improving access to solid & liquid waste management inside the nation’s rural areas.

The 10-year Strategy also calls for targeted intervention in capacity building, IEC (Information, Education, and Communication), biological waste management, water management, and plastic waste management.

Although public funding has played an essential part in the ODF journey, there is a demand for creative sanitation finance approaches to upkeep toilets and infrastructure.

  • States/UTs must maintain their efforts to restore mission successes through capacity building.

  • IEC is used to raise awareness (education, Information, and communication)

  • Management of organic waste

  • Management of plastic garbage

  • Management of grey and black water

  • Furthermore, it highlights future collaborations through development partners, civic society, and intergovernmental relationships.

  • It also showcases novel sanitation finance options.

National Rural Sanitation Strategy For 10 Years

In 1986, the Central Rural Sanitation Program (CRSP), a nationally financed Rural Sanitation Program, was established. The objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are to improve rural people’s quality of life while also providing women with privacy and dignity.

It was established to offer hygienic latrines to SCs/STs, landless labourers, and persons living under the poverty line, with resources split 50:50 by the federal and state governments.

Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy are to provide clean, hygienic, and ecologically acceptable excreta disposal to promote proper sanitation and, as a result, better health standards.

The CRSP is being implemented in many state/union territories to improve sanitation facilities by building sanitation facilities for individual houses.

Importance of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy provided a 100 per cent subsidy for building toilet facilities for SCs/STs and landless labourers and a subsidy based on state prices for the general populace.

It also called for creating a village complex featuring bathing facilities, hand pumps, toilet facilities, drainage channels, and a laundry platform, among other things.


One of India’s earliest initiatives to offer clean sanitation in rural regions was the National Rural Sanitation Strategy in 1986. Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy were primarily concerned with offering subsidies to individuals to build sanitary facilities. However, a government study conducted in 1996-97 Objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy found that raising awareness about sanitation was more significant than simply providing building subsidies. This realisation signalled the program’s first change. A restructured Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) was launched in 1999 to promote supply-led sanitation by promoting local sanitary marts and technical solutions.


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What are the primary goals of rural sanitation villages?

Ans. The objective of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy is to improve rural people’s quality of life while also providing women with p...Read full

What is the overarching goal of the rural sanitation program?

Ans. In this environment, the Central Rural Sanitation Program (CRSP) was created in 1986 with the Focus Points of the National Rural Sanitation S...Read full

How can we avoid sanitary issues?

Ans. Improve sanitation by installing bathrooms, and toilet facilities flush into a sewer or a secure enclosure. Importance of the National Rural ...Read full

What is an essential component in the long-term viability of rural sanitation?

Ans. Objectives of the National Rural Sanitation Strategy for leading to the achievement (or failure) of rural water and sanitation services incl...Read full