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Speed Of Sound Waves In Liquid

Have you ever thought about whether sound can be heard in water or not? Or whether sound travels in water or not? The production and travelling of sound waves in themselves are very interesting and how they propagate through media is more appealing. I have tried to discuss this in short below.

Propagation of Sound Waves 

Sound is produced by the oscillation among the particles that travel through a medium, like solid, fluid or gas, to arrive at its receiver end. In the Human body, the ear catches the sound waves, and the frontal cortex of the brain processes the information. The common range of sound heard by the human ear is between 20Hz to 20 kHz. Any sound wave which is above 20kHz is called ultrasonic sound, which isn’t heard by individuals, but bats are an exception. Under 20Hz, the sound wave is named infrared.

Sound waves can be separated into two classes:

  1. Longitudinal
  2. Transverse

Longitudinal Waves:

The spread of sound waves happens through the air or different mediums as a longitudinal wave, in which the oscillations are transmitting out the wave happens along a comparable way as the sending wave. A longitudinal wave can be made in a contorted spring by pressing two or three, then goes together to move toward a strain and a brief time frame later conveying them, permitting the strain to try to all parts of the length of the spring. Air ought to be apparent as being created utilizing layers like such contorts, with a sound wave actuating as layers of air “push” and “pull” at each other, equivalent to the strain dropping down the spring.

Transverse Waves:

In this sort of wave, for example, the wave made in an extended rope when one end is wriggled to and fro, the advancement that includes the wave is reverse, or move past, to the heading (along the rope) where the wave is moving. An enormous social event of moving past waves is made by electromagnetic sources, for example, light or radio, in which the electric and charming fields are spreading out the wave impact converse to the course of spread.

The speed of sound is portrayed as how much the sound wave has journeyed per unit of time as it goes through a medium. It significantly depends upon the temperature of the medium and the possibility of the medium. For solids, the speed of getting over waves depends upon the shear curving, considering shear strain as well as on the thickness of the medium. For longitudinal waves, the north of two conditions is the same yet furthermore depends upon its compressibility. For fluids, the medium’s compressibility and the medium’s thickness are fundamental. If there ought to be an event of gases, just temperature and its nuclear plan are required.

v = f * λ

In solids, as the particles are immovably situated to each other, and there is less aggravation of the atoms, the inciting of the vibration through it is faster, and thusly the speed of sound is the speediest through the solids; hence it invests in some opportunity to reach your ears when someone from the other room calls you. In liquids, the particles/iotas are less firmly bundled and thus, the atoms can move a little, so the speed of sound through liquid is sluggish but quicker than air. Additionally, it is the slowest in gases as the iotas in the gases are inexactly stuffed.

Solid > liquid > gas

The density of air is around 1.2 g/L, and the density of water is around 1 kg/L. Hence, we can say that air is 830 times less dense than water. So, the speed of the sound waves is inversely proportional to the density of the medium.

Henceforth, the speed of sound in solids is 6000 m/s

In a fluid at 20 degrees Celsius, the speed of sound is 1481 m/s for water.

The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s at 20 degrees Celsius, and at 0 degrees Celsius, it is 331m/s.

Speed of Sound in Liquid

The velocity of sound wave in a liquid is

v=sqrt (B/ρ)

where B represents the bulk modulus, and ρ is the thickness of the medium.

The speed of sound in numerical documentation is ordinarily addressed by c, from the Latin celeritas signifying “speed”.

For liquids, as a rule, the speed of sound c is given by the Newton-Laplace condition:

c = sqrt (Ks/ρ)


Ks is a coefficient of firmness, the isentropic mass modulus (or the modulus of mass versatility for gases);

rho is the thickness of the fluid.

In this manner, the speed of sound increments with the firmness (the obstruction of a flexible body to distortion by an applied power) of the material and diminishes with an expansion in thickness.


Hence, we saw above that sound can travel in liquids as well, and how does density play a role in determining the speed of sound in different media. Sound waves are an important and necessary part of our lives, and we need to know the basics of them at least. This is an interesting topic, and I hope this article was of assistance to the viewers.


Frequently asked questions

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How much is the speed of sound in water?

Ans. 1481 m/s

What is the formula for finding the speed of sound waves in liquid?

Ans. c = sqrt (Ks/ρ)

What are the densities of air and water?

Ans. The density of air is 1.2 g/L, and of water, it is 1kg/L.