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SHM About Position O

In mechanics and physics, when an object is in motion, the restoring force on the object is proportional. Let us discuss particle equation derivation.

SHM is a motion in which the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement of the body from its mean position. In other words, this vital force constantly moves in the direction of equilibrium. In oscillatory motion, the acceleration of the particle equation derivation at any given position is precisely proportional to the displacement from the mean position and thus is a simple harmonic motion. As a subset of oscillatory motion, it exhibits a unique set of characteristics. Simple Harmonic Motions are all oscillatory and periodic, although not all oscillatory motions are SHM. It is also known as the harmonic motion of all oscillatory motions, the most important of which is that which is simply harmonic (SHM).

Particle equation derivation

In nature, there are several examples of the particle equation derivation of motion in a straight line known as “simple harmonic motion” or “SHM.” During basic harmonic motion, a particle P moves backward and forward around a fixed point (the centre of motion). Its acceleration is directed toward the centre and proportional to its displacement from the centre.

Origin at O is the starting point of a straight line in particle equation derivation. X is the distance from the OP. As a result, the particle P’s displacement x will satisfy the particle equation derivation.

In the case where the particle starts at the origin, so x=0 when t=0, we have B=0, and so the function x(t)=Asinnt is a solution to the differential equation. We can easily check this:



In the general case, since any trigonometric expression of the form Asinθ+Bcosθ can be written in the form Csin(θ+α), we can write the general solution as


where C and α are constants. The constant α is called the phase shift of the motion (and, as we saw above, can be taken as 0 if the particle begins at the origin). From our knowledge of the trigonometric functions, we see that the motion amplitude is C, and the period is 2πn.

We next derive a formula for the particle’s velocity with the help of a very useful expression for acceleration: d2x/dt2=(½)d/dx(v2). We write the differential equation as


and integrate concerning x to obtain


where K is a constant. If the amplitude of the motion is C, then when x=C, the velocity is 0, and so K=n2C2. Hence, we have


Particle equation

The differential equation of SHM, which determines the equation of the movement of particles path, is known as the particle equation of SHM.

What are the applications for particle equation derivation of simple harmonic motion?

Theoretical and applied science go hand in hand, as we all know. An example of applied science is simple harmonic motion. When looking at a grandfather clock’s hands, you can see how the theory of simple harmonic motion is being implemented. It’s also used in musical instruments, automobile shock absorbers, and bungee jumping. You’ll see the simple harmonic motion everywhere, from the diving board to our hearing to metronomes and earthquake-proof structures. Cars, in particular, have springs attached to their wheels so that they can withstand bumps in the road. Passengers will have a difficult time with it otherwise, due to the size of its displacement, and it acts in the direction of its equilibrium position is called SHM about Point O. Using a string to pluck produces oscillations, which can then be utilised to make a sound in musical instruments.

Particle equation in One Direction

The particle equation in one direction contained inside an infinitely deep hole is described by a fundamental quantum mechanical approximation called a particle equation in one direction. The simple pendulum, a mass-spring system, a steel ball rolling in a curved dish, and the famous swing motion are all well-known examples.


From the above, readers may be able to know that the study of the simple harmonic equation about point O  is important in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. The reason is that any particle equation derivation in a stable equilibrium position will execute simple harmonic motion if a small amount displaces it. A simple Harmonic Oscillator is applied in clocks, guitars, and violins. It is also seen in the car -shock absorber, where springs are attached to the car wheel to ensure a smoother ride. In this article, we have briefly discussed and covered every point regarding the Simple Harmonic motion about point O . This topic is very important to be studied and to understand the basic concepts of SHM. This topic should be studied properly to get good marks.


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