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RMO 2020 Syllabus

RMO (Regional Math Olympiad) is the second phase of the talent search examination of mathematics that is effectively conducted in India by the Regional Coordinator.

RMO precedes the all-India pre-RMO or PRMO, which can be defined as the primary phase towards representing the country on the global stage for ‘mathletes’, “the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)”. There are almost 30 objective type questions in the written test of RMO which gives the time almost three hours to solve the problems. The article is going to focus on the description of the RMO syllabus as well as the importance of RMO. A particular number of students are selected based on their performance in the RMO examination to participate in INMO (Indian National Mathematical Olympiad).  

Description of RMO Syllabus 2020

There is a huge range of topics that needs to cover for the Maths Olympiad. The candidates for classes 12, 11,10,9 and 8 are eligible to participate in Pre RMO. The typical domains of the problems are geometry, combinatorics, number theory, as well as algebra. On the basis of the RMO syllabus 2020, the covered topics under the areas are systems of linear equations, infinite series, number systems, the arithmetic of integers, co-ordinate geometry, factorisation of polynomials and number theory. The total marks of the exam are 102, the duration is 3 hours and for registration, students need to log in to the website of HBCSE (Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education). 

The syllabus of RMO does not include calculus and statistics. The syllabus of the examination effectively spread over the levels from class 8 to class 12. The level of difficulty enhances from RMO to INMO and then to IMO. The major domains from which the questions are effectively given are geometry, number theory, algebra and combinatorics. In the examination of RMO, there is a requirement for effective knowledge regarding number theory, geometry, algebra and combinatorics. Number theory provides an effective branch of pure mathematics of integers and natural numbers. HBCSE regional coordinators conduct the examination of RMO under the HBCSE observation, Mumbai. The regional coordinators of HBCSE evaluate the answer papers of RMO. It has effectively divided the country into almost 25 regions for the examination of RMO. Almost 30 students from the levels of 6 to 11 as well as almost 6 students from class 12 select INMO from each region.

Importance of RMO

The examination of RMO assists students in accepting the fact that it is effectively fine to win or lose. Students can get important lessons from the examination and provide effective efforts in order to become a winner. It is the second phase of the talent search examination for mathematics in India. It is effectively useful for the classes from levels 1 to 10 in terms of developing knowledge regarding number theory, geometry, algebra and combinatorics. Effective opportunities assist learners in focusing on a particular subject and developing long term objectives. However, it is not effectively easy to solve the problems of the RMO examination efficiently as the syllabus consists of vast topics of geometry, algebra, and combinatorics. 

RMO focuses on the concept of “thinking” rather than “knowledge” as it covers the areas of pure mathematics, combinatorics, number theory as well as geometry. There is a requirement to evaluate the syllabus of RMO in terms of achieving the objectives effectively. There is an effective importance of RMO in the development of IQ, analytical, as well as logical thinking of students from a young age. From the examination, a student can get an invitation, expenses, certificate, broadening and lodging in camp at HBCSE, Mumbai.   


Based on the above discussion it can be concluded that RMO is the second phase of talent search examination in the domain of mathematics under the observation of HBCSE. The examination assists in developing motivation as well as the growth of IQ, analytical and logical thinking of students. The article has discussed the description of the RMO syllabus as well as the importance of RMO. In the examination, there can be almost 30 problems that the students need to solve efficiently in terms of becoming winners.


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What is the concept of RMO?

Ans. RMO is the second step of the talent search examination of mathematics conducted in India by the HBCSE Regional...Read full

How do students prepare for RMO?

Ans. There are almost 30 objective type questions in the examination of RMO which covers the vast syllabus. A candid...Read full

What is the syllabus and eligibility of RMO?

Ans. The syllabus of RMO is quite huge and covers the topics of permutations and combinations, elementary gra...Read full

What is the importance of RMO?

Ans. The examination of RMO assists in bringing and developing mathematical and analytical expertise and powers to t...Read full