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Resistance: What It Is and How to Calculate It

A resistor is an electrical component that resists or opposes the flow of electric current. In other words, it is a material that has resistance. Know more in this article.

Resistance is a phenomenon that can be found in all forms of electrical circuits. It is the property that impedes the flow of current and causes voltage drops. In this article, we will discuss what resistance is and how to calculate it. We will also take a look at resistors and their role in circuits.

What is Resistance?

Resistance is a material’s tendency to resist or oppose the flow of an electric current. The measure of a material’s resistance is called resistivity, and it quantifies how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current.

The conductivity of a material is the inverse of its resistivity. In other words, materials with high resistivity have low conductivity and vice versa.

The resistance of a material is affected by its temperature. As temperature increases, the atoms in a material vibrate more, which makes it harder for electrons to flow freely through the material. This increase in resistance with temperature is called positive temperature coefficient (PTC).

Some materials have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance (NTC), which means that their resistance decreases with increasing temperature. These materials are used in heat-sensitive devices, such as thermistors.

How to Calculate Resistance?

The most basic way to calculate the resistance of a material is by using its resistivity and length. The resistivity of a material is a measure of its resistance per unit length. For example, the resistivity of copper is about 0.0000000174 ohm-metres.

To calculate the resistance of a material, you just need to know its resistivity and length. The formula for resistance is:

R = ρL/A


R is the resistance of the material (in ohms)

ρ is the resistivity of the material (in ohm-metres)

L is the length of the material (in metres)

A is the cross-sectional area of the material (in square metres)

For example, let’s say you have a piece of copper wire that is one metre long and has a cross-sectional area of 0.01 square centimetres. Using the formula above, we can calculate the resistance of this copper wire to be:

R = ρL/A = 0.0000000174 ohm-metres × (100 cm)/(0.01 cm)= 0.174 ohms

This means that the resistance of the copper wire is 0.174 ohms.

What are Resistors?

A resistor is an electrical component that resists or opposes the flow of electric current. In other words, it is a material that has resistance. The most common type of resistor is made of carbon, but resistors can also be made from other materials, such as metal alloys and semiconductors.

The resistance of a resistor is usually given in units of ohms (Ω). The higher the resistance of a resistor, the less current will flow through it when voltage is applied.

In addition to its resistance, every resistor has a power rating that indicates how much power it can dissipate without being damaged. This power rating is given in watts (W).

The formula for power dissipation is:

P = I2R


P is the power dissipated by the resistor (in watts)

I is the current flowing through the resistor (in amperes)

R is the resistance of the resistor (in ohms)

For example, let’s say you have a resistor with a resistance of 100 ohms and a current flowing through it of 0.01 amperes. Using the formula above, we can calculate the power dissipated by this resistor to be:

P = I2R = 0.01 amperes × 100 ohms = 0.01 watts

This means that the power dissipated by the resistor is 0.01 watts.

Importance and Role of Resistance:

Resistors are important in circuits because they allow us to control the amount of current that flows through a circuit. By changing the resistance of a resistor, we can change the amount of current flowing through it.

In addition, resistors are used to protect other components in a circuit from too much current. For example, if we want to protect a LED from too much current, we can put a resistor in series with the LED.

Finally, resistors are also used to create voltage drops in circuits. For example, if we want to create a voltage drop of five volts across a circuit, we can put a resistor in series with the circuit and apply a voltage of five volts to the resistors.


Overall, resistance is a key concept in electrical engineering and physics. It is important to understand the role it plays in circuits as well as how to calculate it. There are a variety of methods that can be used to calculate resistance, depending on the situation. By understanding resistance and how to calculate it, engineers can design circuits that are more efficient and effective. Thank you for reading! I hope this article helped explain what is Resistance, how to calculate it and its importance.


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