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Moment of Inertia

The formula of the moment of inertia is the amount indicated by the body opposing angular acceleration, which is the product of each particle's mass and square of the distance between the reference axis and the centroid.

An object’s moment of inertia is a calculated statistic for a rigid body revolving around a single axis. The axis may be internal or exterior, and it may or may not be fixed. On the other hand, the moment of inertia is always stated about that axis. It is affected by the distribution of mass around the axis of rotation. The MOI changes based on the axis position chosen. This paper will discuss the formula of the moment of inertia and its definition, units and usage in mathematics. 

What is the defining moment of inertia?

A rigid body’s MOI, The mass moment of inertia, also known as angular mass, 2nd moment of mass, or rotational inertia, is a value that specifies the tension required for a given rotational motion along a rotating axis in the same manner as mass determines the force required for the same acceleration. It is determined by the body’s widespread dispersion and the axis selected, with bigger moments necessitating more tension to change the body’s rotational speed.

The MOI for a pointed mass is just the mass multiplied by the square of the line perpendicular to the spin axis. The MOI of a rigid composite is the total of the MOIs of its providers of each key input, all measured on the same axis. The most basic form is the 2nd moment of mass about the location from an axis. The MOI is defined as the sum of the segment’s mass and the square of the distance between both the normal line and the section’s centroid.

Example: Assume you’re currently riding on a bus. You find and take a seat. The bus starts moving forward. After a few seconds, you arrive at a bus stop, and the bus comes to a full halt. What were your thoughts at this point? Yes. Once the bus came to a halt, your upper body moved forward, but the lower body stayed still. What is the reason behind this? It’s because of inertia. Your lower body is now in contact with the bus, but your upper body isn’t in direct contact with it. Consequently, when the bus came to a stop, your lower body came to a stop as well, but your upper body continued to go forward, suggesting that it failed to accept its state.

Similarly, a force pushes you back when traveling on a rolling train. This is because you were resting before boarding the train. The lower body makes contact with the passing train as soon as you board it, but your upper body remains still. As a result, it is pulled backwards, implying that it rejects the change in its status.

What is the formula and use of the formula of the moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia, also known as angular mass and rotational inertia, is a number that determines the amount of torque necessary for a given angular acceleration or a quality of a body that opposes angular acceleration. The MOI is calculated as the “sum of the products of mass multiplied by the squared particle’s distance from the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia formula is written as I = Σ miri 2

In general, Moment of Inertia is written as I = m r2.


m = mass of object.

r = Radius from the rotation axis.

As well as the integral form:  I = ∫dI = 0∫M r2 dm

The MOI is affected by the following factors:

  • The material’s density
  • The body’s shape and size
  • Axis of rotation or mass distribution related to the axis

What are the units for a moment of inertia?

The MOI unit is a “composite unit” of measurement. For example, in the International System or SI, m is measured in kilograms and r is measured in meters, and I, the MOI, has the measurement of kilogram-meter square. In the United States, m is measured as slugs (1 slug = 32.2 pounds) while r is measured in feet, with I represented in units of the slug-foot square.

The integral calculus is often used to compute the MOI of everybody with a shape that a mathematical formula can define. For example, the MOI of the disc might be calculated by breaking it into a series of thin concentric rings, determining their masses, multiplication the masses by the square of their distances, and then summing these products. The summing method is carried out manually using integral calculus; the solution is I = (mR2)/2   


Moment of inertia is defined as the product of mass of the body and the square of the distance between the reference axis and the centroid.

The moment of inertia formula is written as I = Σ miri 2


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