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Make Note on Circular Motion

In determining the circular motions concerning the field of physics it is quite essential as it is interlinked with our day to day lifestyle.

It is quite interesting to successively conduct a study on the topic of circular motion, as we get an innumerable number of instances and shreds of evidence associated with it. Such as rotation of the planets and satellites in their circular pathway called orbits. Moreover, the circular refers to notions that are repetitive in nature. In this, the primary focus will be given to defining circular motion as well as the conditions for circular motions. Focus is also catered to the non-uniform circular motions present in the chapters on kinetics.

Understanding all about Circular Motion

Delving into the study, it is quite well noticed that the circular motion is most common in our lives and moreover, the circular motion intends to generate both centripetal as well as centrifugal forces. Furthermore, it is understood that the motions in a circular pathway refer to two distinct types, one of which is “uniform circular motions” and “non-uniform motions”. These motions are quite distinct in their characteristics. Catering to the study, it can be said that uniform circular motions are different from uniform linear motions.

Defining Uniform Circular Motion

In the chapter on kinetics, uniform circular motion caters to uniqueness with respect to circular motions. It refers to a condition when a continuous change or transformation is acknowledged towards the direction associated with the motions. In this situation the velocity changes with the change in the direction. Therefore, it can be easily stated that motions in circulation are motions with acceleration. This motion is termed uniform as it displays a body in motion to cover equal distances within the equal time intervals.

Examples of in Uniform Circular Motion in Physics

Several examples are noticed that determine the uniform, circular motion that is as follows.

  • The nature of motion that is noticed for electrons around the nucleus
  • Blades around the windmills are also an example
  • In a circular dial, tip of the second hand within a watch, respectively.

Three Principles associated with Circular Motions

In conducting a circular motion, three major principles are noticed, that continues to, quantities such as, “force”, “speed” and as well as “acceleration”. All these seem to affect the circular motions that are conducted by the body. Force that is called centripetal force seems to support circular motions when there is no resultant force acting on the given object. Acceleration occurs based on the continuous change in the direction of an object in the circular pathway.

Characteristics of Uniform Circular Motion

Notable and significant characteristics can be noted with respect to the occurrences of uniform circular motions that are as follows. The first one is that the speed of the moving object remains constant. The second is the direction of the moving objects continuously changes with the changes in the motion with respect to the time. This states that the motion is accelerated. Therefore, centripetal force acts as a crucial aspect in uniform circular motions.

What is meant by Non-Uniform Circular Motion?

Catering to the study of kinetics, it is noted that these are circular motions by the given bodies but do not posit uniform speed. In simpler terms, non-uniform motions happen when the bodies in motion are not at constant pace. In this condition, the body seems to display both the normal acceleration as well as tangential acceleration. The most common example that will support the definition and better understand the concept is that in a car in the racing arena, it is noted that the car racing can never have constant speed. Sometimes it may seem to have acceleration and as well as deceleration. 


In concluding the study, it needs to be noted that circular motions are common instances that happen in our day to day lives. Moreover, it is also noticed that the direction of motion of the object within its circular pathway transforms and changes continuously. The best possible result can be if a person whirls a stone attached to the storing then motion associated with the stone is referred to as an example of circular motion. Furthermore, in the study, in-depth knowledge is catered to that has effectively helped in providing a broader knowledge about circular motions. 


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