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EMF (Electromotive Force)

EMF stands for electromotive force. It is the force that drives an electric current through a conductor, such as a wire. Learn more about it.

EMF is an acronym for Electro-Magnetic Field. It is a phenomenon that is observed when there is an electric current in a wire. The EMF equation of the transformer states that the voltage induced in a secondary coil due to the magnetic flux through it is equal to the product of the number of turns on the secondary coil and the rate at which the flux changes. In this blog post, we will discuss what EMF is and how it affects transformers.

What is EMF?

EMF stands for electromotive force. It is the force that drives an electric current through a conductor, such as a wire. It is measured in volts. The higher the voltage, the greater the force.

What is the symbol and unit of EMF?

The symbol of EMF is E and the unit is volts. EMF stands for electromotive force, which is the force that causes electrons to flow through a conductor. The equation of transformer emf is E = -d/dt(NΦ), where N is the number of turns in the primary coil, Φ is the magnetic flux, and E is the emf induced in the secondary coil. The emf induced in the secondary coil is proportional to the number of turns in the primary coil and the magnetic flux.

Another equation for EMF is :



I am the current flowing through the conductor (in amps)

R is the resistance of the conductor (in ohms)

V is the voltage across the conductor

What are some applications of EMF?

Some applications of EMF include electric generators, motors, and transformers. Electric generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Transformers convert between AC and DC voltages.

What are some dangers of EMF?

Some dangers of EMF include electrical shock, fire, and explosion. Electrical shock can occur when an electrical current passes through the body. This can cause burns, muscle damage, or even death. Fire can occur when electrical equipment is not properly maintained. An explosion can occur when electrical equipment is not properly used.

How can EMF be prevented?

Some ways to prevent EMF include: using proper safety equipment, following the rules and regulations for electrical work, and having a qualified electrician inspecting electrical equipment. Proper safety equipment includes gloves, insulating mats, and face shields. Following the rules and regulations for electrical work includes knowing the maximum voltage that can be safely handled and using the proper size and type of fuse. Having a qualified electrician inspect electrical equipment includes making sure the wiring is correct and there are no loose connections.

EMF can be dangerous but it can also be prevented by taking some simple safety measures.

What is the difference between EMF Potential differences?

The difference between EMF and a potential difference is that EMF is the work done per unit charge in moving a charge around a circuit, while the potential difference is the work done per unit charge in moving it from one point to another. Potential difference can be thought of as the ‘pressure’ that pushes charges around a circuit, while EMF can be thought of as the ‘amount of work done in moving them. In simple terms, a potential difference is what makes charges move; EMF is what makes them keep moving.

In a circuit with a battery, the battery has chemical energy which it uses to push electrons around the circuit. The potential difference between the two terminals of the battery is what drives the current around the circuit. The EMF of the battery is the work done per unit charge in moving electrons from the negative to the positive terminal.

Solved Examples of EMF:

Question: A coil of inductance L is wound on a cylindrical former of radius r. It carries a current I which is uniformly distributed over its length. The central axes of the coil and the former are coincident. If the current in the coil is increased at a uniform rate from zero to I in time t, find (i) the emf developed in the coil at time t and (ii) the magnetic flux through the cross-section of the former at time t.

(i) The emf developed in the coil at time t is given by,

emf = -L di/dt

= -LI/t

(ii) The magnetic flux through the cross-section of the former at time t is given by,

φB = μ0NI/t

where N is the number of turns in the coil.

Thus, we see that the emf developed in a coil is directly proportional to the rate of change of current whereas magnetic flux is proportionate to the number of turns in the coil and the current.


EMF is a very important concept in the electrical engineering field. It is a measure of the potential difference between two points in an electric field. The EMF equation of a transformer is used to calculate the voltage across the secondary winding of the transformer. This equation is based on Faraday’s law of induction. EMF can be generated by various sources, such as batteries, generators, and motors. It is also present in our everyday lives, from the power lines that deliver electricity to our homes to the devices we use that emit EMF. Therefore, it is important to be aware of EMF and its effects on our health and environment.


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