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Determination of Young’s Modulus of the Material of a Wire

Where stress is how much power is applied per unit region (σ = F/A) and strain is expansion per unit length (ε = dl/l). Since the power F = mg, we can acquire Young’s modulus of elasticity of a wire by estimating the length adjustment (dl) as loads of mass m are applied (accepting g = 9.81 meters each second squared). Stress and strain are the two components that are exclusively utilised to determine Young’s Modulus of the material of a wire under the intent of force or power being applied. We will study this concept in detail below through examples and formulae.

The Elasticity of Young’s Modulus

The modulus of elasticity contains the relationship between stress and strain to determine the rigidity or fluidity of a given material. It varies from the modulus of elasticity of steel to the modulus of elasticity of rubber. These two opposing ends of the elasticity spectrum define the rigidity to elasticity ratio of materials.

Young’s modulus of elasticity

Young modulus is characterised by the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain. This is often the modulus we would like within the event that we would like to look at the difference in length of cloth to, more precisely, any direct dimension ( range, length, or height).

Longitudinal stress = force (f)/ cross sectional area (a) = f/ a

Longitudinal strain = extension (e)/ original length (lo) = e/ lo

Young modulus (E) = (f/ a)/ (e/ lo) = flo/ ea

Modulus of Elasticity for Young’s Elasticity

Young’s modulus is a numerical constant named after the 18th-century English physician and physicist Thomas Young that describes the elastic properties of a solid undergoing tension or compression in only one direction, such as a metal rod that returns to its original length after being stretched or compressed lengthwise. Young’s modulus is a measure of a material’s capacity to endure changes in length when subjected to longitudinal tension or compression. Young’s modulus, often known as the modulus of elasticity, is equal to the longitudinal stress divided by the strain.

In the instance of a metal bar under tension, stress and strain may be defined as follows.

When a metal bar with cross-sectional area A is pulled at both ends by a force F, it expands from its initial length L0 to a new length Ln. (At the same time, the cross section shrinks.) The stress is equal to the quotient of the tensile force divided by the cross-sectional area, or F/A. The strain or relative deformation is defined as the difference in length, Ln-L0, divided by the original length, or (Ln-L0)/L0.

Modulus of Elasticity for Steel

Elastic modulus may be a material property that demonstrates the standard or inflexibility of the steel materials employed for creating earth parts. The coefficient of elasticity of steel is additionally called Young’s modulus generally. The coefficient of elasticity of Young’s modulus of steel measures proportionality between the tensile stress and, therefore, the strain when the steel material is pulled. 

Young’s modulus of elasticity for non-elastic materials

Young’s modulus is the proportion of strictness or firmness of a material; the proportion of solicitude to the relating strain beneath as far as possible. The modulus of elasticity of steel is that the grade of the pressure strain bends within the compass of linear proportionality of solitude to strain within the pressure strain. Likewise, Young’s modulus of elasticity of steel may be a more suitable material for structural operation than metal. This is often because it’s a superior e modulus standing. This means steel features an advanced bearing limit and may repel increased pressure when used as a member. In addition, it shows that structures with steel would be more predicated and further secure varied with metal.


Young’s modulus is not just a simple formula in physics. It is the calculation of the very foundation of things. Whenever there is a new structure being built, a new toy being created, or most of the items in our daily lives that we can think of, Young’s modulus of elasticity plays a vital role. The amount of pressure an item can withstand to remain from being bent out of shape is important to understand from the point of view of the item’s utility. A bouncy bridge is not going to hold cars. A steel tyre will not handle bumps well.


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