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An Overview of Angular Momentum

The vector quantity of a rotational momentum occurring around a rotating body is known as the Angular momentum and momentum is a vector quantity.

An Angular Momentum is a number of fundamental conservatives in physics, which is based on linear momentum and energy. Angular momentum plays a very important role in the stability theory and it helps in the process of design. A three-dimensional unit is mainly associated with orbits and rotational motion. The angular momentum is a rotational motion with linear momentum’s analogue in a linear motion. This momentum can also be defined as the inertial movement of the body around the orbit of motion. This study is going to give conceptual knowledge about the Angular Momentum formula. The change rate in angular momentum is equal to the resultant moment.

Overview of Angular Momentum Formula

Some momentum formula for the angular momentum of a particle represents different conditions of the rotational movement of a particle. The external force in the centre of the system’s mass equals the time of derivation of the system’s momentum formula. It is a vector product that can be defined as the product of the linear momentum, the radius of the circular motion and the sinus of the angle: L=rp⋅sinθ, where, L, r and p are the angular momentum, the radius of the angular momentum and the linear momentum respectively. The angular momentum conserved quantity as the linear momentum formula and the net momentum of a system remains conserved in a closed system. The conservative motion principle is applicable in every aspect of physics. The momentum formula will be conserved if there is no involvement of external forces like torque.

Properties and Mechanisms of Angular Momentum

A particle’s angular momentum formula gives an idea about the rotational tendency of that particle and the magnitude is referred to as the mass and velocity of the radius of the circular motion. The three-dimensional concept of the angular momentum formula gives the axial direction of the right-hand rule.

The momentum formula of the orbital angles can be defined as a cross product of two vectors. These vectors are the momentum operators and the position of the quantum mechanics. The intrinsic energy during an angular momentum formula is carried out by elementary particles, which are known as the spin. Though the particles do not rotate physically, these particles are used to separate from the orbits of the angular momentum formula. The Sum of the orbital and the spin is known as the operator of the angular momentum. The momentum properties play a very important role in justifying the angular momentum of a system.

Dimension of Angular Momentum

A particle that is moving on a plane with a linear momentum has an angular momentum in a specific direction. This direction of movement can be described by the right-hand rule. The thumb of the right hand pointing at the sky refers to the direction of the angular momentum and the closing of the fist with the other fingers refers to the rotational angular momentum. The dimension of angular momentum is represented as M1L2T-1, M, L and T represent mass, length, and time respectively. Derivation of the dimension of angular momentum is as follows:

Angular Momentum is equal to the product of angular velocity and inertia’s moment. Since angular velocity is also equal to the product of angular displacement and the inverse of time. Therefore, the angular momentum can be represented dimensionally as M1L2T-1


The Angular Momentum is one of the important quantities of light that arise from the rotation of vector properties and the circulation of the phase gradients. There are three dimensions of Angular momentum, velocity, mass, and angle in angular momentum. The angular momentum is also known as the product of the linear momentum and the distance between the orbit and the centre of the circular motion. The concept behind the preservation of angular momentum follows Newton’s third and second law of motion. The statement of the second law of motion is, “the acceleration of motion of a system depends on two variables; the net force applied on the object, and the object’s mass.


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What happens if angular momentum is not conserved?

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