Quantum Theory is an important topic of Physics and it is considered to be the theoretical basis of Modern Physics. It explains the behaviour and nature of energy and matter. It describes matter on the subatomic and atomic levels. This is the concept of Quantum Theory and is the main part of the discussion in this study. The study is going to describe the father of Quantum Theory, the history of Quantum Mechanics and many more aspects.Â
Introduction of Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory is also famous for the physics of quantum or it can also be called quantum mechanics. It is described in this manner based on the material science of the present day. The basic idea of this theory is explained as the behaviour and nature of energy and matter. This is described as happening on the atomic level and it is used in the explanation of macroscopic occurrences. This theory describes the phenomena and their occurrences at the subatomic level.
Father of Quantum Theory
The study of Quantum Theory presents two names, Max Planck and Niels Bohr. Two of them are considered to be the fathers of this theory. Both of them get the Nobel Prize for their hard contribution to quantum theory in the field of physics. The theory has gone through a hard debate with the Relativity Theory of Einstein. Two concepts in the field of physics occur at the same time and that’s why this debate occurs. Quantum theory proposes the idea that the existence of energy happens as discrete packets, and each of them is called ‘quantum’.   Â
What is the History of Quantum Mechanics?
Quantum mechanics is a science that deals with light and matter and their behaviour. It is related to the subatomic and atomic scales. This process tries to discuss and account for the molecule’s properties and the atoms. It also tries to describe the constituents like protons, electrons, and neutrons. The very process also includes the interaction of the particles with each other. It also defines the interaction of electromagnetic radiation. The history of quantum mechanics says that radiation and matter behaviour seems to be peculiar. It also says that the theory of quantum has difficulty in understanding and it is also difficult to believe.  Â
How was Quantum Theory Developed?
The discussion on Quantum Theory presents the name of the German physicist Max Planck. The hard study of this person presents the idea of radiation’s effect on the substance like the blackbody. In this way, the theory of quantum physics that is modern is born. Physical experiments of physicists demonstrate an idea. It says energy in a certain situation is able to exhibit characteristics of physical matter. This is the process of development of this theory of Quantum.  Â
Influence and Application of Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory has a great influence on the field of Physics. After the theory was established, many researchers tried to develop and work on it. This theory has been proved as a signified one as different interpretations of it can be seen. There is some application of this theory and they can be like:
- Used in transistors
- Helps in quantum, optics
- Developed the field of lasers and optical amplifier
- Use in electronic microscopy
- The Quantum computing field is enriched by thisÂ
Quantum Theory of Light
The theory of Quantum that is related to Light is an idea that is proposed by the famous scientist, Einstein. In this theory, it is stated that the wandering of light can be seen within the bundle of energy. Every bundle in this field is known as the photon. Every photon here carries an amount of energy. It is equal to the frequency’s product and the photon’s vibration and also equal to the constant of Planck. This is the theory of Light that is proposed by the physicist, Einstein.   Â
The main attraction of this study is Quantum Theory and its process of development. The idea is very clear here about this matter. The readers can get an overall idea through this study as it covers many aspects of Quantum Theory. The idea has drawn that the contradiction happens with the opening of this theory. It is related to the Relativity Theory and was the main attraction of this century. Therefore, it can be said that this aspect is important enough.Â