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A Short Note on Rest and Motion Related Terms

The terms associated with motion and rest, are crucial not only in the field of physics but also in everyday life as these terms are intricately linked.

In providing a note on motion and rest related terms, it needs to be acknowledged that rest and motion cater to the field of kinetics and lie at the core of motions. In the study, a vivid view will be catered to that will effectively support determining the terms that are associated with motion and rest. Furthermore, knowledge is created about both the terms being relative in nature. In addition to these, we will also acknowledge the types of motions in kinetics.

Understanding all about Rest and Motion Related Terms      

In determining the terms related to rest and motion it is quite well noted that they refer to the very basic terms or rather core terms in chapters of kinetics. Rest can be referred to as a state where a body does not change or transform its precision with respect to its background. This state is known to be termed rest, for example, a table lying in the dining hall. On the other hand, motion refers to the condition when a body is said to be in motion if it changes or transforms its position concerning the immediate surroundings, for example, a car moving on the road or passing through a lamp post. Several terms are noticed in making a discussion about notions of rest and motion that conditions to “velocity”, “speed”, “acceleration”,” displacement”, “deceleration”.

Defining Rest and Motion

Rest as discussed is position of the object with respect to its immediate surroundings that seem to be stationary and on the other, motion is a condition where body changes its position concerning its immediate surroundings.  The term speed is defined as the distance taken by a body in a moving state within a proper interval of time. It can be divided into uniform and no uniform motion with respect to time. Uniform motion caters to the moving body taking equal time in covering equal distances, whereas, it is a condition when a moving body takes timing that is unequal to the distance covered. 

Examples of Rest and Motion in Physics

Several examples are noticed that determine an object to be in rest or in motion, for example, books that are kept on the bookshelves. The fruits within a basket are in a state of motion. A man climbing up the stairs, buses crossing a bridge are examples of motion states.

What is Meant by Point Objects in the Field of Kinematics?

In describing the notions associated with motion it is sometimes noted that moving objects are considered to be “point objects”. In simpler words, point objects are those that define moving objects under consideration, when the size of the object is relatively small or insignificant that the distance travelled within a time.

Why are Motion and Rest Referred to as Relative Terms?

This is an interesting fact that states of rest and motion are relative to their surroundings. The reason behind this lies in the fact these states primarily depend on the reference frame of the respective observer. It can be noted that if two objects are not in motion then they will have different results. 

Defining the Terms Acceleration and Deceleration

The term acceleration is defined as the change in the rate associated with the velocity of the moving object, whereas, deceleration refers to the change in the velocity but that tends to be negative in nature. From this, it can be noticed that both aspects are contradictory to each other.


In concluding the study, an effective exploration has been conducted that is based on the definition of notions that are associated with rest and motion. All these are discussed catering to the field of kinetics with its examples. Moreover, discussion has also been conducted on defining the term point objects with respect to kinetics. The notions of acceleration and as well as notions of deceleration are also exploited in order to provide a better acknowledgement of the terms. It needs to be noted that the terms of motions and rest are core concepts and are quite crucial in nature catering to the chapters of kinetics. 


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