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A Brief Note On Power Transmitted By A Wave

In transmission of a sinusoidal wave is a pathway of curve that follows smooth repetition of oscillation concerning changes of amplitude of variable with time.

The process of transmission of sinusoidal waves follows a pathway of curves exhibiting a smooth repetition of the oscillation. The oscillation notes the changes associated with the amplitude of variables over time. It observes the changes in the state of a material over time. The characteristic trait of sinusoidal curve waves has a repetitive pattern in its flow and the wave can be generated by various methods of output. The power transmission of the wave is equal to the square of amplitude and frequency of the wave. Out of all the other representations of waves, the sinusoidal curve is used the most because of its utility in the case of its graphical representation. 

Sinusoidal wave: discussion

Sinusoidal waves are the most easily represented out of all the waveforms. These waves follow a rhythmic pattern of oscillation. The length of these waves represents the ongoing flow in the change of the state of a matter called wavelength.  A sinusoidal wave represents the ongoing change of the state of matter over time. These waves are generated by the following methods.

  • Quartz Crystal Oscillator: Along with the square wave this oscillator generates sinusoidal waves over a very long range.
  • Basic Single Coil AC Generator: This is the most basic form of sine wave generator. The sine waves are also one of the most important forms of AC waveforms. 
  • Negative Resistance Oscillator: Sine wave generated from this oscillator extends to non-linear regions near the negative resistance edges.
  • Wein Bridge Oscillator: This oscillator generates sine waves over large frequencies. 
  • Phase Shift Oscillator: This linear oscillator circuit associated generates sine wave output.

The basic form representation of sinusoidal wave with respect to time is noted as

“Y(t)= A sin(2πft+ φ)=A sin(ωt+ φ)” 

Here, A represents the amplitude, F represents the frequency, ω represents the angular frequency and φ is the phase.

Frequency: discussion

The sine wave follows a pattern of a waveform that passes over time representing the changes in the state of a particular matter in context. The frequency of a sine wave represents the number of times the sinusoidal wave undergoes the entirety of a cycle. The cycle is noted in a span of a second. However, over time the representation has been altered giving a definite representation in hertz (Hz). Previously, the representation of the frequency was represented by a cycle noted in 1 second. In recent times the usage of Hertz to represent the frequency of the sine wave is calculated such that a frequency of a Kilohertz or 1000 Hz represents 1000 complete cycles of the wave in 1 second. 

Amplitude: discussion

A sinusoidal wave contains two important attributes, amplitude and the associated intervals of the curve followed through the transmission of the wave. The amplitude of the sinusoidal curve is associated with the distance from the middle value of the curve to the highest point of the curve. In a mathematical representation of a sine wave in a graph, it is noted in a line that crosses the middle value to the highest value. Therefore, it can be derived that the amplitude of the sinusoidal curve is the representation of half the distance between the lowest values to the highest value. 


In the process of representation of the waves, a sinusoidal wave is mostly used because of its ease of representation and its deliverability associated with the graphical representation of the transition in the state of a matter. The sinusoidal waves follow a path of a waveform that travels from one point to the other adhering to a repetitive cycle of oscillatory motion in its course. There are several modes of oscillator through which sine waves are transmitted over varied ranges of frequencies that derive different results through their course of propagation. In the course of propagation of the waves, the frequency is noted as the number of complete cycles a wave completes over a period of seconds. Recently the representation is noted using Hertz. The amplitude of the sinusoidal wave is represented using the middle value of the line to the highest point of the wave, noting upon half the distance between the lowest to the highest value of a wave represented in a graph.


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