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Notes on Solar Eclipse

What is the phenomenon of a solar eclipse? Important notes on the subject and its effect. Get all the notes on world geography and physical geography for your exams.

The solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that involves the sun, moon and the earth. The earth revolves and rotates around the sun, and the moon revolves around the earth. During the revolution and rotation of earth and moon, these three come into a straight line. The moon comes in between the sun and the earth and blocks the sunlight in its way. Due to this, the shadow of the moon falls on the earth. Hence, the moon can block the sun’s rays partially or fully. 

How does a solar eclipse occur? 

Every year, around two to five solar eclipses happen. It is a celestial phenomenon in which the moon passes across the sun. It causes the moon to block the light towards the earth, and its shadow falls on the earth. Hence, this shadow is called the “Umbra.” 

The movement of the moon, earth and sun affects the duration of the solar eclipse. Generally, the duration of a total eclipse is 7 minutes or more. It takes one month for the moon to complete the revolution of the earth. But, the eclipse doesn’t happen every month. 

It is because the moon and earth’s orbital plane is different from the earth toward the sun. Hence, the solar eclipse occurs when the moon arrives in front of the sun. 

Different types of solar eclipse 

The solar eclipse occurs when there is a full moon and earth and sun come in a straight line. Mainly, there are three types of solar eclipse. 

Annular Solar Eclipse

It generally occurs when the earth’s moon is at the farthest distance. Due to this, the moon appears small and doesn’t completely block the sun. However, you can still see the sun. Thus, it appears like a golden ring outward. 

The annular solar eclipse lasts for around 12 minutes or more. It may also appear like a total eclipse. But, the moon is too small to hide the sun completely. 

Also, if the moon is situated at a farther distance, the umbra’s tip will not reach the earth. During this type of eclipse, the antumbra travels to the ground. So, anyone on the earth situated in this region can see the ring-like structure circling the moon. 

Total Solar Eclipse

It is only visible from a small region on the earth. In this particular phenomenon, the diameter of the earth is around 400 times larger than the moon. But, the distance can vary from one eclipse to another. 

After that, the new moon blocks the total view of the sun from earth. This happens between 18 months. Also, the moon casts different types of shadows. These shadows are umbra and penumbra. 

Here, the umbra refers to the darkest region of the shadow. Also, it is encircled by penumbra, which is a lighter shadow. In the penumbra, the sunlight is blocked partially. 

To witness the solar eclipse, you have to be present in the path of umbra. Then, you will observe the sun’s disk diminishing into the shape of a crescent. Also, the moon’s shadow completely covers the sun. 

Therefore, the total eclipse only lasts up to a few minutes. Till now, the longest total eclipse only lasted up to 7 minutes. 

Partial Solar Eclipse

Furthermore, the partial solar eclipse arrives when the penumbra passes through the overhead. This happens when the earth, moon and sun are not aligned completely. Due to this, a small part of the sun is uncovered by the moon’s shadow.

The places farther from the poles but under the penumbra zone cannot observe the eclipse completely. In this, only a small part of the sun remains covered. It means that you need to get closer to the path to witness the partial effect of the solar eclipse

Effects of Solar Eclipse

There are several effects of eclipse that depend on the type and region. However, these are some notable effects of solar eclipse. 

  • When the eclipse reaches its peak, the ozone level of the earth’s surface minimises. Also, the atmosphere of the earth cools down. It is found that the ozone levels decrease by 30%-60%. 
  • The temperature of the earth also changes during the eclipse of the sun. Along with that, the wind speed and humidity also change significantly. 
  • Also, the magnitudes of the areas which experience total solar eclipse of solar have high magnitude range. 


In conclusion, solar eclipse is one of the crucial celestial phenomena. In this, the moon, sun and earth come in a straight line during their revolution. The moon comes in the front of the sun while revolving around the earth. Due to this, the moon blocks the sunlight and causes its shadow to fall on earth. There are three types of solar eclipses which are annular, partial and total. Hence, during the eclipse, the temperature goes down, magnitude increases and ozone levels decrease. Also, the temperature and humidity levels decrease during the solar eclipse.


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