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Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Pressure Belts of the World: Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt, Subtropical High Pressure Belt, Sub-Polar Low Pressure Belt and Polar High Pressure Belt.

Atmospheric pressure is the force per unit area exerted by the atmospheric column (that is, the entire air over a designated area).

Simply put, atmospheric pressure is the force that the air above it exerts on the ground when attracted to the earth by gravity. It is represented by the atmosphere of the unit. It can also be visualized on the surface of the Earth as a pillar on the surface that extends to the top of the atmosphere. P = ρgh

Where P = pressure, ρ = liquid density, g = gravity, h = height. This formula is used to measure barometric pressure or altitude. You can calculate altitude by understanding atmospheric pressure. What is barometric pressure, and how to measure it? Atmospheric pressure on the earth’s surface is maximum and decreases as altitude increases. This explains that the density and volume of the atmosphere are highest at sea level and decrease with increasing altitude. 

In addition, there are fewer high-altitude air molecules than low-altitude air molecules. This shows the height of the mercury column, which exactly balances the weight of the atmosphere column above the barometer. 

Atmospheric pressure is also measured with a vacuum gauge, a partially exhausted corrugated metal disc with one or more hollows in which the sensor elements are supported by internal or external springs to prevent them from collapsing. Changes in the shape of the disc due to changes in pressure can be recorded with a pen arm and a clock-driven rotating drum.

There are five units to denote atmospheric pressure. 

  • Millimetres (Inches of mercury)
  • Pounds per square inch (psi)
  • Dynes per square centimetre
  • Millibars (Mb)
  • Kilopascals

The natural climate control device 

The Earth is habitable primarily because its atmosphere contains two major greenhouse gases (water vapour and CO2) that act as blankets to trap the heat emitted from the surface. These regulate the world’s average temperature to the extent that life can develop. 

Atmospheric Pressure and the greenhouse effect

Atmospheric pressure also plays an important role in the greenhouse effect by widening the infrared absorption lines of these gases through collisional interactions with other molecules (mainly N2 and O2 in the atmosphere today). 

In other words, the lower the total pressure, the lower the climate coercion of greenhouse gases, the lower the degree of the greenhouse effect, and the lower the average global temperature. If natural or artificial processes can reduce the Earth’s atmospheric pressure, the biosphere’s life will be extended. 

Pressure change 


  • In the lower atmosphere, barometric pressure drops sharply with altitude. Example: At Everest, barometric pressure is two-thirds lower than sea level
  • The pressure drop due to height is not the same everywhere 
  • Water vapour and gravity change as temperature and control air density
  • Due to this variation due to various factors, there is no simple relationship between altitude and barometric pressure
  • A drop-in atmospheric pressure is observed on average at a rate of approximately 34 millibars per 300 metres of altitude
  • The vertical pressure gradient force is much greater than the horizontal pressure gradient force but is equal but balanced by the opposite gravity. This means that there is no strong updraft
  • Due to gravity, the surface air is denser and has higher pressure. This is because the pressure is inversely proportional to density and temperature. Therefore, changes in temperature or density lead to changes in pressure


  • Even slight pressure differences are considered very important for wind direction and speed
  • The lines connecting places of the same pressure are called isobaric. However, to reduce the effect of altitude on barometric pressure, measure at any station after lowering sea level for comparison
  • The velocity and direction of pressure change, called the pressure gradient, is expressed as the distance in the isobaric. This allows you to define a pressure gradient as a decrease in pressure per unit distance in the direction of pressure

There are several identifiable zones of uniform horizontal pressure regimes or “pressure belts”. Compression strap : It is a pattern in which high and low pressure appear alternately throughout the earth. 

There are seven compression straps. In addition to the equatorial cyclone, there are two subtropical cyclones (north and south), two subtropical cyclones (north and south), and two polar highs (north and south). 

The above pressure zone vibrates as the sun moves. The Northern Hemisphere travels south in winter and north in summer. Because the equatorial region is light, it receives plenty of warm and warm air, and the equatorial air rises, creating a pressure gradient of low pressure. 

Following are the pressure belts on the surface of the earth 

  • Equatorial low
  • The subtropical highs
  • The subpolar lows
  • The polar highs

Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt or ‘Doldrums’

  • It is located between latitude 10 degrees north and latitude 10 degrees south
  • Latitude varies between 5 ° N and 5 ° S and 20 ° N and 20 ° S
  • This zone is the convergence zone of trade winds from the two hemispheres of the subtropical high-pressure zone
  • This belt is also called a downturn because of the very gentle movement of the air
  • The position of the belt depends on the apparent movement of the sun

Sub-Tropical High-Pressure Belt or Horse Latitudes

  • Subtropical anticyclones range from near the tropics to approximately 35 ° N and S
  • After saturation in the ITCZ (complete loss of water), the air away from the equatorial cyclone of the upper troposphere becomes dry and cold
  • This dry, cold wind subsides at latitude 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south. Therefore, the high pressure along this belt is due to the subsidence of air from the equatorial region, and the equatorial region subsides depending on its severity
  • The high pressure is also due to the upper air barrier effect of the Coriolis force

Sub-Polar Low-Pressure Belt

  • The belt is located between latitude 45 degrees north and 45 degrees south and between the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle (66.5 degrees north-south)
  • Due to the low temperatures at these latitudes, the subarctic low-pressure zone is less noticeable all year round 
  • In the long-term mean climate map, the Northern Hemisphere’s sub-cold lows are grouped into two centres of atmospheric activity, the Icelandic Low and the Aleutian Low 
  • Such zones in the Southern Hemisphere surround the perimeter of Antarctica and are less differentiated

Polar High-Pressure Belt

  • The anticyclone is a small area and spreads around the pole
  • They are around the pole between latitudes 80-90 degrees north and 80 degrees south. The air from the subarctic low-pressure belt dries after saturation
  • This dry air cools as it travels toward the poles through the upper troposphere
  • When it reaches the pole, the cold air (heavy) sinks and forms a high-pressure zone on the surface of the earth

Factors affecting pressure belts

There are two main causes of the pressure difference between high and low-pressure systems: thermal and dynamic. 

Thermal factors 

When the air is heated, it expands, reducing its density. Of course, this leads to negative pressure. On the contrary, cooling leads to shrinkage. This increases the density and increases the pressure. The formation of equatorial and anticyclones are examples of thermal and anticyclones, respectively. 

Dynamic factors 

In addition to temperature fluctuations, dynamic control by pressure gradient force and Earth’s rotation (Coriolis force) can explain the formation of pressure zones


Atmospheric pressure, often known as barometric pressure (after the barometer), is the pressure that exists inside the Earth’s atmosphere. The standard atmosphere (abbreviated atm) is a pressure unit defined as 101,325 Pa (1,013.25 hPa; 1,013.25 mbar), which is comparable to 760 mm Hg, 29.9212 inches Hg, or 14.696 psi.


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