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Types and Principles of Treatment

Action of Antibiotics, Principles of Treatment, Limitations of Treatment approach, Principles of Prevention etc.

Types of Treatment:

The category to which a disease-causing organism belongs decides the type of treatment. Same drug does now no longer paintings in opposition to a microbe belonging to a exclusive organisation due to variations in traits of those organisms which include:

  • All viruses stay in the inner host cells, while microorganisms do not.
  • Viruses, micro organisms, and fungi multiply very quickly, while worms multiply very slowly.
  • Taxonomically all bacteria are closely related to each other than to viruses and vice versa.

Action of Antibiotics:

On Bacteria: They normally block biochemical pathways crucial for microorganisms.

  • Many microorganisms make a mobile ular-wall to shield themselves.
  • The antibiotic penicillin blocks the bacterial methods that construct the mobileular wall.
  • As a result, the developing micro organisms grow but are not able to make mobileular-partitions and die easily.
  • Similarly, many antibiotics work in opposition to many species of microorganisms in place of sincerely running in opposition to just one.

On Viruses: Viruses no longer use those pathways in any respect and consequently antibiotics do no longer work in opposition to viral infections.

  • Taking antibiotics does not lessen the severity or the length of the disorder.
  • However, if there may be bacterial contamination alongside the viral cold, taking antibiotics will help.
  • Even then, the antibiotic will work simply in opposition to the bacterial part of the contamination, which is no longer viral.

Principles of Treatment:

There are two ways to treat an infectious disease.

  • Reduce the consequences of the disorder: It includes imparting remedy to lessen the signs and symptoms.
  • The signs and symptoms are generally due to inflammation. For example, we are able to take drugs that convey down fever, lessen aches or free motions.
  • But this sort of symptom-directed remedy via way of means of itself will now no longer make the infecting microbe leave and the disorder will now no longer be cured.
  • Kill the purpose of the disorder: It includes the usage of drugs to kill microbes.
  • Each organisation of organisms (viruses, micro organisms, fungi, or protozoa) have a few vital biochemical existence systems that’s bizarre to that organisation and now no longer shared with others.
  • These methods can be pathways for the synthesis of latest materials or respiration.
  • A drug must block those bacterial synthesis pathways without affecting our own.
  • This is done via means of the Antibiotics.
  • Similarly, there are tablets that kill protozoa which include malarial parasites.
  • Making Antiviral drugs is tougher than antibacterial drugs because:
  • Viruses have few biochemical mechanisms on their own.
  • They input our cells and use our equipment for his or her existence methods.
  • There are noticeably few virus-particular objectives to aim at.
  • Despite the above limitation, there at the moment are powerful anti-viral tablets. For example, tablets that maintain HIV contamination beneath neath control.

Limitations of Treatment technique: Following are 3 obstacles of this technique in handling infectious illnesses:

  • Once inflamed with a disorder, frame features are broken and can in no way get better completely.
  • Treatment takes time.
  • Person stricken by an infectious disorder can function as the supply from which the contamination may also unfold to different people. This results in the multiplication of the above difficulties.

It is due to those obstacles that prevention of illnesses is higher than their cure.

Principles of Prevention:

There are approaches of prevention of illnesses: one well known and one particular to every disorder.

General approaches: These usually relate to stopping publicity.

  • For airborne microbes: Prevent publicity via means of imparting dwelling situations that aren’t overcrowded.
  • For water-borne microbes: Prevent publicity via way of means of imparting secure consuming water. This may be achieved via means of treating the water to kill any microbial contamination.
  • For vector-borne microbes: Provide smooth environments. For example, prevent mosquito breeding. Public hygiene is one primary key to the prevention of infectious illnesses.

In addition to those troubles that relate to the environment, there are a few different well known standards to save you infectious illnesses.

  • Infectious illnesses constitute a loss of fulfilment of the immune device.
  • Immune device of our frame commonly fights off microbes.
  • Immune cells kill off the contamination.
  • Immune cells kill off the contamination.
  • Availability of right and enough meals for everyone.

Specific approaches: These are primarily based totally on the ‘Principle of Immunisation’.

Immunisation: Immunisation ‘fools’ the immune device into growing a reminiscence for a specific contamination via means of placing something that mimics the microbe we need to vaccinate in opposition to, into the frame.

  • When the immune device first sees an infectious microbe, it responds in opposition to it after which it recalls it specifically.
  • If subsequent times that microbe (or its near relatives) enters the frame, the immune device responds with even more vigour.
  • This removes the contamination even more quickly than the primary time around.

Many vaccines at the moment are to be had for stopping an entire variety of infectious illnesses and offer a disorder-particular approach of prevention. There are vaccines in opposition to tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, polio, and lots of others. These shape the general public fitness programme of youth immunisation for stopping infectious illnesses.


To sum up, a person’s health is a condition of well-being that comprises physical, mental, and social well-being. Every individual is born with an immune system that aids in the body’s ability to remain healthy and defend itself from outside influences. The function or structure of individual bodily components or organs, on the other hand, might be affected at times. These disturbances are known as diseases.