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Friendly Microorganisms and Nitrogen Fixation

Characteristics of Microorganisms, Friendly Microorganisms, Commercial Use of Microorganisms, Nitrogen Cycle, Nitrogen Fixation etc.

Living organisms around us which can not be seen commonly are referred to as microorganisms or microbes. Microorganisms are categorised into 4 essential groups: micro organism, fungi, protozoa, and a few algae. Viruses also are microscopic however are one of a kind from different microorganisms and reproduce simplest withinside the host organism: bacterium, plant or animal cell. 

Characteristics of Microorganisms:

  • Microorganisms can be unicellular (micro organisms, a few algae, and protozoa), or multicellular (many algae and fungi).
  • Microorganisms stay in all varieties of environments, starting from ice bloodless weather to warm springs, and deserts to marshy lands.
  • Microorganisms are observed in air, water and withinside the bodies of plant life and animals.
  • Some microorganisms develop on different organisms at the same time as others exist freely.

Microorganisms and Us:

Microorganisms play a crucial function in our lives. Some of them are useful in lots of approaches while a few others are dangerous and cause diseases.

Friendly Microorganisms:

Microorganisms are used for various purposes. Some of these are:

Making of Curd and Bread:

  • The bacterium, Lactobacillus promotes the formation of curd.
  • Bacteria also are worried withinside the making of cheese, pickles, and lots of different meals items.
  • Yeast is used withinside the baking enterprise for making breads, pastries, and cakes.

Commercial Use of Microorganisms:

Yeast is used for business manufacturing of alcohol and wine. It is grown on herbal sugars found in grains like barley, wheat, rice, beaten fruit juices, etc. This method of conversion of sugar into alcohol is called fermentation.

Medicinal Use of Microorganisms: The supply of many antibiotic tablets, capsules, or injections (which include penicillin) is microorganisms. These drug treatments kill or prevent the boom of the disease-inflicting microorganisms and are referred to as antibiotics.

  • Streptomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin are a number of the usually recognized antibiotics which can be crafted from fungi and microorganisms.
  • Antibiotics are even combined with the feed of farm animals and roosters to test microbial contamination in animals.
  • Antibiotics also are used to manipulate many plant diseases.

Vaccine: When a disease-wearing microbe enters our frame, the frame produces antibodies to combat the invader. The frame additionally recollects the way to combat the microbe if it enters again. This paperwork is the premise for vaccine manufacturing.

  • Several diseases, consisting of cholera, tuberculosis, smallpox and hepatitis may be avoided with the aid of using vaccination.
  • Polio drops given to young ones is a vaccine.
  • An international marketing campaign in opposition to smallpox has brought about its eradication from maximum elements of the world.

Increasing Soil Fertility: Some micro organisms can repair nitrogen from the environment to enhance soil with nitrogen and grow its fertility. These microbes are usually referred to as organic nitrogen fixers.

Cleaning the Environment: Some microorganisms decompose the natural waste and useless plant life and animals into easy materials and clean up the environment. (vermicomposting)

Nitrogen Fixation

Some microorganisms are living withinside the root nodules of leguminous plant life (pulses) and might repair nitrogen from air into soil and grow the soil fertility which include bacterium Rhizobium paperwork symbiotic dating with legume plant life. Circulation of nitrogen in nature takes place in numerous paperwork and is named as Nitrogen cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle:

  • The atmospheric nitrogen can not be taken without delay with the aid of using plant life and animals.
  • Certain microorganisms and blue inexperienced algae within the soil repair nitrogen from the environment and convert it into compounds of nitrogen.
  • Once nitrogen is transformed into those usable compounds, it may be utilised with the aid of using plant life from the soil thru their root system.
  • Nitrogen is then used for the synthesis of plant proteins and different compounds.
  • Animals feeding on plant life get those proteins and different nitrogen compounds.
  • When plant life and animals die, microorganisms and fungi within the soil convert the nitrogenous wastes into nitrogenous compounds to be utilised by plant life again.
  • Certain different microorganisms convert a few parts of them to nitrogen fuel lines which are going again into the environment.
  • As a result, the share of nitrogen withinside the environment stays constant.


Diatomic nitrogen is plentiful in the atmosphere and soil, but plants cannot utilise it because they lack the enzyme nitrogenase, which converts it into a form that can be used to produce proteins.

Soil bacteria, or rhizobia, may conduct biological nitrogen fixation, which converts atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) into ammonia (NH3), which plants can utilise to produce proteins.

The process of nitrogen fixation benefits both plants and bacteria; the plant acquires the nitrogen it needs to create proteins, while the bacteria obtain carbon from the plant and a safe habitat to reside inside the plant roots.