
Natural Environment and Human-made Environment, Ecosystem, Biotic and Abiotic conditions, etc.

The environment is our essential life emotionally supportive network. It gives the air we breathe in, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the land where we live. It is a framework shaped by the association of all living creatures with one another and with the physical and synthetic elements of the climate where they reside, all connected by the move of energy and material. The environment comprises two parts i.e., Natural and Human-made.

Components of Environment

  • Environment consists of various elements. Most of the world’s environment is made up of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Nevertheless, it is possible to divide it into two subgroups: microenvironments and macroenvironments
  • The microenvironment refers to an organism’s immediate surroundings, while the macroenvironment includes all of the organism’s biotic and abiotic components 
  • Microbes, plants, and animals are all included in the biotic component, which is made up entirely of living things
  • There are a number of abiotic elements to take into consideration. The term “physical environment” is occasionally used to describe it. The atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere make up the three layers

Types of Environment

There are two types of environment:

Natural Environment

Natural and anthropogenic factors combine to form the terrestrial environment we live in. When humans interact directly with nature, they create a reciprocal relationship between nature and society. Climate, geology, biogeography, and other aspects of the natural world are fundamental to the study of geography. They speak directly to the way people’s conceptions of the earth’s geography are formed.

Because it interacts with nature, the natural environment is often known as a geographical environment. Natural environment examples include the earth’s deserts, land, mountains, oceans, rivers, surface, water, volcanoes, etc.

Man Made Environment

Some of our environmental conditions are created by us because we can’t live in the environment directly. Humans have created this environment, which is man-made or human-made. The term “social environment” refers to a man-made environment. Here, we’ll go through the differences between the two main varieties.

  • Social Environment

The social context that lasts as long as society values it is what we call the inner environment. Having a positive inner environment can have a dramatic effect on people. Often referred to as “social heritage,” the inner environment is critical to human beings, life, and emergence. Human social influence is the only thing that can make this happen.

  • Physical Environment

The physical environment that man has constructed for himself via the advancement of science and technology is known as the outer environment. Human progress and environmental change can both be accommodated through physical environment transformation. Cities, housing, numerous social and individual facilities, transportation, and much more are all included. Because it is in the hands of humans and their ever-evolving technology, the external world is changing faster than the inside one.


Our Earth is the only planet where any kind of life is possible, this is only because of the environment present on Earth. Our environment comprises both living organisms and non living things. It is the essential life support system on earth and provides air to breathe in, water to drink, food to eat and land  to live. Our environment comprises 4 parts:  lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.  Each sphere plays a vital role in maintaining the life support system on earth. Recent increase of human intervention in the environment has led to the increase in the level of greenhouse gasses which cause climate change and disturb our ecosystem. It is the responsibility of every individual to maintain the environment in its pristine form so that life on earth continues to sustain.