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Confrontation of Cultures

Confrontation of cultures, we will learn about the communities of Brazil and Caribbean regions, the cultural enrichment of Aztecs and Cortes, and how Spain established its significant portion in the region of America.

The confrontation of cultures showcases the encounters between America and Europe from the 15th to 17th centuries.

The 15th century seems to be the golden era of discoveries in geography, primarily because of new changes in various sectors. Some include shifts in religious and political views, accounts of numerous travellers, inventions in the science region, and many more. 

Reasons for the confrontation of cultures

Here are a few reasons that cost to the event: 

  • In 1499 an Italian explorer known as Amerigo Vespucci visited the southern portion of America and gave it the name New World. 
  • The shift in economic motives resulted in numerous new European discoveries and travels. 
  • In the year 1380, due to the invention of the compass, sailors were freer to travel in any direction they wanted independently. 
  • The invention of the astrolabe enabled sailors to protect themselves from any marine risks. 

Detailed Cultural Information: The Confrontation of Cultures

Numerous native tribes live in a widespread region of America. Some of the major communities were Caribs, Arawakan, and Lucayos, that word especially found near the Amazon river. Let us have a look at extensive American culture: 

Native Americans

The Arawaks

In the Caribbean sea, the tribes known as Arawakian Lucayos lived on many minor Islands. Today these are known as the Greater Antilles and Bahamas. 

Arawaks’ Economic Status

  • Food production was done collectively for the entire community
  • Economic condition was self-sufficient
  • They used dugout canoes for sailing in the open ocean
  • They were highly skilled in building boats
  • Their lifestyle included animal hunting, crop production, and fishing
  • The major crops they grew included sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, and tubers

Arawaks’ Social And Religious Lifestyle

  • Polygamy was a common practice
  • They believed non-living objects do have their soul and life (Animist)
  • Shamans were soul healers and a form of connection between real and supernatural worlds
  • They were highly superstitious

Arawaks’ Cultural Characteristics 

  • They preferred peaceful negotiations over quarrels
  • They were usually generous
  • One of their specialities was hammocks. During that time, there was high growth in weaving skills

Arawaks’ Political Characteristics

  • Clan elders used to control the society by an oligarchy system
  • There was no military or army
  • No religious institutions were built.


These Native Americans lived in the Brazil area near the east coast of South America. 

Developed Culture

The Aztecs

Due to the migration of Aztecs to the Mexico Central valley, today, a part of Spain establishes an empire in America. It took place in the 12th century.

Aztecs Economic Status 

  • They attempted reclamation by building a man-made Islands chain impasse in the region of Lake Mexico
  • They built numerous canals between fertile regions
  • Food items like potatoes, corn, pumpkin, and beans were their primary crops
  • Clans owned the lands as they followed an agrarian economic system

Aztecs’ Social and Religious Lifestyle 

  • Society was hierarchical
  • Nobles in the society used to choose a supreme leader amongst them who had the power to control the society till death
  • The community king was referred to as the sun’s representative of the world
  • A few groups, including priests, warriors, and nobles, got high respect from society. Also, traders had numerous privileges and usually worked with the government as spies and ambassadors
  • There were numerous wars
  • The woman in the society of the Aztec maintained privileged status

Aztecs’ Cultural Characteristics

  • Children’s schooling was given special attention
  • Kids from noble families were trained to become religious leaders or participate in the military, and they usually attended calmecac
  • Other kids in the society attended telpochcalli, a learning centre

Aztecs’ Political Characteristics

  • Tenochtitlan, which was the capital city, was built in the year 1325
  • The king was considered the only leader
  • There were limited reclaimed territories and conquests
  • They used to conquer people
  • Due to the lack of harmony amongst newly converted peoples, there was a strain in the empire of Aztecs in the 16th century

Later, Hernan Cortes, a Spanish explorer and conqueror, overthrew the Aztecs and affirmed Mexico for Spain.

The Mayas

The Mayas belong to the Mayan culture, which originated in Mexico. However, they do not have political power at the level of Aztecs. A few important civilizations In Mayan culture include Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador. 

Mayas’ Social And Religious Lifestyle 

  • Agriculture was the basis of their religious ceremonies
  • They followed an agrarian system for societal management

Mayas’ Economic Status 

  • Corn cultivation was popular
  • Agriculture production developed rapidly, helping chiefs, ruling classes, and priests to develop better architecture, astronomy, and mathematics

Mayas’ Cultural Characteristics

  • Remarkable architecture development
  • The invention of pictographic writing form
  • Formation of Maya calendar

Mayas’ Political Characteristics

  • They do not have much political power
  • The ruling class in the society was considered strong


The 15th century seems to be the golden era of discoveries in geography, primarily because of new changes in various sectors. In 1499 an Italian explorer known as Amerigo Vespucci visited the southern portion of America and gave it the name New World. The shift in economic motives resulted in numerous new European discoveries and travels. In the year 1380, due to the invention of the compass, sailors were freer to travel in any direction they wanted independently. The invention of the astrolabe enabled sailors to protect themselves from any marine risks. Numerous native tribes live in a widespread region of America. Some of the major communities were Caribs, Arawakan, and Lucayos, that word especially found near the Amazon River. In the Caribbean Sea, the tribes known as Arawakian Lucayos lived on many minor Islands. Economic condition was self-sufficient. They used dugout canoes for sailing in the open ocean. They were highly skilled in building boats. The major crops they grew included sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, and tubers. They believed non-living objects do have their soul and life (Animist). Shamans were soul healers and a form of connection between real and supernatural worlds. One of their specialities was hammocks. Clan elders used to control the society by an oligarchy system. No religious institutions were built. These native Americans lived in the Brazil area near the east coast of South America. Due to the migration of Aztecs to the Mexico Central valley, today, a part of Spain establishes an empire in America. They attempted reclamation by building a man-made Islands chain impasse in the region of Lake Mexico. They built numerous canals between fertile regions. Food items like potatoes, corn, pumpkin, and beans were their primary crops. Nobles in the society used to choose a supreme leader amongst them who had the power to control the society till death. The community king was referred to as the sun’s representative of the world. A few groups, including priests, warriors, and nobles, got high respect from society. There were numerous wars. The woman in the society of the Aztec maintained privileged status. Other kids in the society attended telpochcalli, a learning centre. Tenochtitlan, which was the capital city, was built in the year 1325.