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Third Anglo-Maratha Wars

The third Anglo-Maratha wars between 1817 and 1819 are associated with a British conflict in which Pindaris were suspected to have protection from the Marathas.

The final Anglo-Maratha war is named the third Anglo-Maratha wars. As a result of this conflict, most of India was left under the control of the British Empire. A strong and huge British army, supported by British forces of General Thomas Hislop was found to attack Maratha troops. That operation was led by the then British governor, General Hastings. An impactful band of Maratha and Muslim mercenaries was known as Pindaris. The main reason for the third Anglo-Maratha wars was an invasion of the British army for Pindaris.            

Facts regarding the third Anglo-Maratha Wars

  • The defeat of the Maratha dynasty in the second Anglo-Maratha war was a shameful factor for the Maratha dynasty. Another attempt to regain lost position and pride was considered by the Maratha dynasty by being involved in the third Anglo-Maratha wars
  • Another important reason for this war was the dissatisfaction of the Maratha dynasty regarding interferences of British rulers in internal matters
  • The British had a strong conflict with the Pindaris. Marathas were found to be associated and provide all support to the Pindaris. British rulers suspected this and declared war against Marathas
  • During the third Anglo-Maratha wars, the fourth major chief of Maratha, Daulat Rao Shinde was instructed to stay away and this caused several challenges for the Marathas
  • In this war, the Victory of the British was swift and easy          

Causes of the third Anglo-Maratha war

  • Incompetent leadership strategies of Maratha leaders were an important reason for leading the difficult situation into war
  • Lack of efficiency in ruling a country was found in Baji Rao II which creates several paths for the British to invade and acquire the Indian ruling system
  • Despite having the intention to regain the lost power, the lack of a powerful and confident ruler and leader has led the situation to war
  • An unstable economic and political condition was another important reason for resulting in the third Anglo-Maratha war    

Result of the third Anglo-Maratha war

  • In the third Anglo-Maratha war, British rule won over the Maratha ruling system
  • The treaty of Poonah was signed to end this war
  • In January 1818, another treaty, the Treaty of Gwalior was signed with Sindhia
  • The treaty of Mahidpur was also signed in January after defeating Holkar in Mahidpur
  • The Maratha confederacy and Peshwaship were fully ended with the third Anglo-Maratha war
  • Under British guardianship, an infant was crowned on the throne. This was an outcome of the treaty of Mandasor
  • Most parts of Maratha territory were included within the Bombay presidency after 1818

Role of Baji Rao II

Baji Rao II, born in 1775, played an important role in the third Anglo-Maratha war. This ruler of the Maratha dynasty joined this war after favouring some Gaekwad nobles. Before surrendering to the British, some important wars were fought by this ruler. 

  • A British resident in Poonah was attacked by Baji Rao II which enraged the British, resulting in war
  • Baji Rao II was involved in the battle of Khadki
  • British troops were unable to prevent Baji Rao II from capturing the Chakan fort
  • After the third Anglo-Maratha war, Baji Rao II was positioned on the throne of Bithoor 
  • A subsidiary and annual pension were also considered for this ruler at that time           

Role of Hastings 

  • Lord Hastings was the governor of India during the third Anglo-Maratha wars
  • Treaty of Salbai was the end of the third Anglo-Maratha wars that was mediated between British and Maratha in the presence of Lord Hastings
  • Every kind of anti-British coalition within India in the time of the Maratha dynasty was demolished by Lord Hastings which helped British power in ensuring a win in the third Anglo-Maratha war
  • Lord Hastings’s destruction strategy for anti-British troops had created a division within Shinde, Peshwa, and Bhonsle. This results in weakened the overall power of the Maratha dynasty and resulted in confirming the success of the British power
  • The British, Lord Hastings’s fight against Maratha was supported by a general force of General Thomas Hislop       


Third Anglo-Maratha wars started with attacks by Baji Rao on the British residency in Poona. Appa Sahib attacked Nagpur and this incident enraged the British emperors and resulted in war. In this war, the British army got an advantageous and easy position as the death of Jaswant Rao had shattered the base of Maratha’s strength. British power was successful in this war as a result of Lord Hastings’s significant and relevant foresight.


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