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The Invasion Of Bengal

“Prosperity of Bengal province” began with the invasion of the British in India, which promoted the different cultures of education, etiquette, trading and building industries.

The British invaded India in 1608 with the news of prosperity due to the ancient Indus valley civilization. It was the prior reason why the Englishmen came to India and spread out their access to the beautiful land of India. During the latter period, India gained “Prosperity of Bengal province” and enlisted its name in the category of a prosperous city. After the invasion of the Britishers, they expanded their business through “English East India Company obtained Farman”. The “Carnatic war resulted in the” subdivision of the Indian subcontinents in the southern region. Along with this, the Carnatic war resulted in the further pushing of the Britishers to take upon either alternative side of the battle and induce further rivalry. 

Prosperity of Bengal province

Bengal had already gained familiarity in the world of power and acquisition. As a result of this, many prominent leaders, empires and kings emerged in Bengal or invaded the lands of Bengal. The main reason behind the invasion to the Bengal land was that this region of India gained a lot of rainfall that allowed the perfect ground for crops, fruit and other agricultural aspects of utilizing the lens. It is obvious that using the land for agriculture would obviously give rise to selling and further allow a source of money. The Britishers saw this as a chance to impose their power gradually in the Bengal land of India. 

The first and foremost reason for the “Prosperity of Bengal province” occurred due to the trading or conduction of business in the Bengal provinces. There were various resources that were available to the Britishers to increase the expansion of the business in Bengal and this allowed the further growth of the Bengal provinces in India. As every story comes with a subsequent other story, there is a similar situation that occurred as a result of the Britisher’s invasion of Bengal. The Englishmen cultivate crops, fruits, vegetables and other sources of food in the provinces of Bengal and later transported them to their own mother country. On the contrary note, the Britishers also introduced the culture of opium and indigo cultivation. This act of cultivating indigo resulted in the loss of the fertility of the soil of Bengal and later deprived the Bengal land of being incapable of cultivating any grains. 

The introduction of education, culture and art in the Bengal provinces played a vital role in the lives of the people of Bengal. In the latter half it is observed that as a part of the emergence of prosperity and availability in the Bengal lands, Calcutta was made the capital city of India. India being a place of species and military power gathered a lot of speculation. Since major portions of these two sources of species and military power were located in Bengal, there was a prominent significant role in Bengal in the period of independence. 

English East India Company obtained Farman

The British men earned their presence in front of the Mughal ruler and the other kings of the century and this elevated the “English East India Company obtained Farman”. The Farman was provided to the Englishmen by then Mughal ruler Shah Jahan who not only allowed the trading of the company in India and Bengal provinces but also removed the trading and custom duties that were required to be paid as a part of the annual lump. The Farman allowed the east India Company to spread their business in an extravagant manner. 

Carnatic war

There were constant battles fought as a result of acquiring the lands of Bengal and capturing the possession of this land. A Carnatic war was fought in the 18th century between Mysore, British, Marathas and the French to gain control over eastern India. The French people due to the war lost Gingee, Karaikal and Mahé. 


The motive of the British invasion was to acquire the fertile lands of India and utilize them for making business and inducing other processes of development in India. As a part of the invasion and the motive of the Englishmen, the “Prosperity of Bengal province” was earned and allowed the bicultural, educational and economic source of development. “English East India Company obtained Farman” marked its presence with the larger aspect of prosperity achieved by the Britishers in India. “Carnatic war resulted in the breaking down of the Nawabs, rajas, petty chieftains to be divided as a consequent factor for the rivalry and gaining even more power by increasing their dominance in the country.


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