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The First Stage Of Indian Freedom Struggle

The “Early Nationalist Phase” believed they were idealists in context to political ideology. They also believed in honesty, integrity and fair play in the justice system.

“Indian Freedom Struggle” began with the idea of getting rid of the foreigners from the motherland India. The journey of the freedom movement began in India in 1885 and later it continued in different stages of the nationalist movement. The initial stage of the nationalist movement was initiated in 1885 and continued till 1905. Second phase of the nationalist movement began in 1905 and continued until 1918 and the final phase continued from 1919 to 1947. It is after a long struggle and sacrifice of different nationalists in India that the country finally attained independence on 15th August 1947.

Early Nationalist Phase

Early Nationalists were basically a group of people that involved themselves in the political activity that primarily surrounded the fight against the oppression witnessed by Indians and the proposal of the idea to fight against it.
  1. The Early Nationalist was founded by “Allan Octavian Hume” in the year 1885. The “Early Nationalist Phase” within India marked the emergence or the beginning of the freedom movement.
  2. “Early Nationalist Phase” was often called the moderates by the Indians and the British men in India.
  3. The headquarters of the Early Nationalists remained in British Raj. However, there was also the incorporation of a newspaper or magazine by the nationalist of the early phase called “Dharma Marg Darshak” for publication of news.
  4. Motive of the “Early Nationalist Phase” was to encapsulate as many people as possible to be within their list of councils to fight against the foreigners who invaded India.
  5. leaders and the members of the “Early Nationalist Phase” were also termed as the Indian fighting for the economical and socially oppressed people who demanded the right of the people and remove any hurdle or obstacle from the way to allow the accessing the Indian possession by the Indian people.
  6. The method that was utilized by the “Early Nationalist Phase” was the implementation of the speech and during the public meetings; the press and the magazines were utilized for humiliating or criticizing the Britishers of their act.
  7. Petitions and Memorandums were among popular mediums that were incorporated for letting the people of India learn about the injustice improvised upon them.

Leaders of early nationalists phase

There were different honourable “Leaders of early nationalists phase” that included:
  • Dadabhai Naoroji
  • Pherozeshah Mehta
  • Gopal Krishna Gokhale
  • Surendranath Banerjee
Each of the “Leaders of early nationalists phase” played a vital role in making the Indian national movement a strong journey for the next nationalist phases of the Indian struggle. The main focus of the “Early Nationalist Phase” and the leader of the early nationalist movement were to spread and make the people of India learn about the oppression of the British rule in India and importance of eradication of the British rule from India. The purpose of the “Early Nationalist Phase” was also to illuminate the common people of India about the financial or economical exploitation of the Indian people by the Englishmen. There remained three P’s of the “Early Nationalist Phase” protest, petition and prayers.

Constitutional reforms demanded during early nationalists phase

The origination of the national movement in India was initiated by looking at the poor condition of the people of India and their sufferings. After a long struggle and verbal battle with the Englishmen, Indian nationalist leaders craved “Constitutional reforms demanded during the early nationalists phase”. As part of which the nationalist leaders were able to achieve “Appointment of a Public Service Commission” in 1886, “Resolution of the House of Commons” for the examination of I.C.S took place simultaneously in India and London. “Appointment of the Welby Commission” upon the Indian expenditure in 1895 and finally the act of Indian council was passed and made imposed in 1892. The other constitutional demand of the “Early Nationalist Phase” was:
  • “Abolition of the India Council Act”
  • Extension of the “Legislative Assemblies” and “legislative council”
  • Increase in the number of people on the council of local bodies


“Early Nationalist Phase” primarily concentrated on the initiation or the making of the people of the country aware of the concept and the blunders that are being conducted behind the backs of the Indians. It is “Leaders of the early nationalists phase” who took the core responsibility to take the nationalist movement forward. During the “Early Nationalist Phase,” there were various demands of the people and that of the nationalist leader who wanted an established set of rules by the government. Thus, “Constitutional reforms demanded during the early nationalists phase” were high and it also allowed the people of the country to have a phase that was devoid of the British men’s interruption.

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