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Strand in the National Movement

Innumerable ideological strands were noticed within the soils of India that are associated with the National Movement. This not only relates to within the country but also outside India.

It needs to be noted that with the initiation of “National Movements” in the Indian subcontinent several strands or branches rose concerning British rule in India. In this study, an extensive exploration has been conducted that helps in providing a vivid scenario of other respective strands that emerged from the national movements that have taken place in India. The emergence of the Left-wing was from the party of congress. Furthermore, socialist parties have also emerged from congress as well as establishments of Communist and other left parties.

What Is A Revolution?

The term revolution is associated with several events in the timeline of history all around the world determining radical changes in various existing fields as well as inventing new ones. This term is not rare in its usage that has been successively witnessed in the course of history and thereby plays a vital part in contributing to transformative change not only in the lifestyle but also in the thinking perspectives. In Indian context, the first revolution that had taken place after the establishment of British imperialist rule is the “revolt of 1857”. Gradual progression of the course of Indian history leads us to eminent revolutions with their revolutionaries that have taken place and are successful in overthrowing British rule. 

Who Are Revolutionaries?

The term revolutionaries are very much associated with the revolutions that had taken place over the course of history. These individuals were highly responsive and are one step ahead in promoting the vibe of nationalism among masses irrespective of any boundaries. These individuals are quite active in bringing massive transformation by revolting irrational systems or the structure that has been established in several governments as well as in social institutions. They have the quality of effectively influencing the civilians, some of the notable revolutionaries that are associated with “National Movements” in India are, Bhagat Singh, Subhas Chandra Bose, Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Pritilata Waddedar, Mahatma Gandhi, Satyendra Nath Bosu and many others.

The Left Wing

It is noticed that “Left-wing” had successively emerged from the party of Congress due to the striking differences that are noticed in ideas as well as their mentalities. This is because, over the years, revolutionary leaders and reformist leaders have noticed that the British will not provide them with their requirements and will never fulfil the demands of Indian people unless there remains a profit quotient for Britishers. Therefore, they thought of revolting differently, with more emphasis on the ideas related to freedom, rights, reformation and internationalism, equality, fraternity and so on.

Communist Parties and Socialist Parties

Several groups were there from all over India, responsible for initiation of notions of communism such as in Bombay, Punjab, Bengal, Madras and so on. These parties majorly established a system associated with social organizations, where properties owned by the community, receive and actively contribute based on their needs as well as abilities. On the other hand, socialist parties promote self-description as opposed to systems such as authoritarian and capitalist.

Three Phases of National Movement

From the historical records within the subcontinent of India, national movements play a vital part in determining freedom of India. The phases of National Movement can be divided into three respective stages that are as follows.

  • The first phase begins in 1885 to 1905 and refers to “Early Nationalist Phase”
  • This early phase is followed by the “Assertive phase” that was initiated in 1905 and has extended to 1918, and lastly
  • The final phase began from 1919 to 1947 and is commonly known as “Gandhian Phase”


In concluding the study it has been acknowledged that an in-depth exploration has been conducted in culturing the various ideological strands that have taken birth from the congress party. Moreover, from the historical records, it has also been edited that protests against Britishers not only came from Indian subcontinents but also from outside India. In addition, these several notable events emerged from the National Movement in states like Madras, Punjab, UP, Bengal, and Maharashtra respectively. Furthermore, since the decades of 1920s, the social bases of the Congress have expanded with different ideologies and their separate ways to make an end to British rule.


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