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Second Anglo-Maratha Wars

In the second Anglo-Maratha war, Peshwa Baji Rao II accepted subsidiary and protection from the British East India Company and signed a treaty, the Treaty of Bassein.

In the history of the Maratha dynasty, the second Anglo-Maratha war was an impactful war. As a result of this war, the base of the Maratha dynasty was shattered. Modern Indian history’s significant part is the chapter on this second conflict between British and Maratha emperors. In history, three main Anglo-Maratha wars are found to have occurred. The timeframe of these wars was between the late 18th century and the starting of the 19th century. The treaty of Bassein is considered to be the “death knell of the Maratha Empire”.      

Facts regarding the second Anglo-Maratha war

  • In this war, the Maratha Empire and the British East India Company were involved
  • The reason behind this war was the defeat of Peshwa by the Holkars
  • Nana Phadnavis died in the year 1800 and the British East India Company was provided with an important and beneficial edge
  • In the second next year, 1802, a joined army of Scindia and Peshwa Baji Rao II was found to be defeated in the Battle of Poona
  • The joined army of Scindia and Peshwa was defeated by an efficient ruler of Indore, Yashwantro Holkar
  • This treaty was not considered an effective one and led to another war, the second Anglo-Maratha war
  • This war was won by the British East India Company

Anglo-Maratha war: Importance 

This divided Marathas were found to pay price for being separated. Their loss against the united British was a great lesson for the Marathas. The result of the second Anglo-Maratha war was important for this dynasty for understanding their value and weaknesses. Losing independence the Marathas were faced with the reality and resulted in being captured by the British. Another attempt to free the motherland, India from British colonial rule was considered by this dynasty and resulted in defeat again. The second Anglo-Maratha war was important to understand the strength and level of British power at that time.       

Result of this war

  • As a result of the second Anglo-Maratha war, the British East India Company established its power in Orissa
  • The British’s power extended up to Yamuna River in which Delhi and Agra were also included
  • The treaty of Surji-Arjun-Gaon was signed by Scindias in 1803
  • This treaty has helped the British to grab lands, namely Ganga-Yamuna Doab, various districts of Gujarat, Gurgaon, Ahmednagar fort, and some important sections of Bundelkhand
  • The treaty of Deogaon was also signed by Bhonsles which helps them to obtain Balasore, Cuttack, and some specific parts of the west portion of the Wardha River
  • As per the treaty of Rajghat, Holkars were forced to hand over Rampura, Bundi ad Toink to the British Empire  
  • An important result is the acquisition of central India’s many significant swaths by the British      

Importance of the treaty of Deogaon

The second Anglo-Maratha war is integrally associated with the treaty of Deogaon. This treaty was mainly concluded by the 1st Duke of Wellington, Sir Arthur Wellesley on 17th December in 1803. 

  • British East India Company was provided Balasore and Cuttack of Orissa by this treaty
  • Hyderabad’s Nizam Ali Khan was ceded to the Berar of west portion of the Wardha river by the Bhonsle
  • The Bhonsle dynasty was found to be fully dependent on the British East India company by considering subsidiary and residency      

Importance of the treaty of Surji-Arjun-Gaon

  • After two huge losses to the British in the battle of Laswari and in the battle of Assaye, this treaty was an important consideration by the Marathas
  • The treaty of Surji-Arjun-Gaon was signed on 30th December, in the year 1803
  • This treaty was signed at Anjangaon town of Maharashtra
  • An important part of the Maratha confederacy, Scindia is integrally connected with this treaty
  • Arthur Wellesley was found to lead the British forces that were against Holkars, Bhonsle, and Scindia
  • A total of two revisions were found to be done in this treaty
  • There was a second revision of this treaty in which Sindhia was granted more power


The first phase of the second Anglo-Maratha war was found to come to an end with the treaty of Deogaon. Maratha raja of Berar was an important part of the treaty of Deogaon. Raghuji Bhonsle the second was the other party, with which the treaty was signed. The treaty of Surji-Arjun-Gaon is important to understand the relevance of settlement between British and Maratha chief Daulat Rao Sindhia. This settlement was an important result of Lord Lake’s campaign. The first phase of the Second Maratha war was associated with this treaty.


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