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Role of Subhash Chandra Bose in Freedom Struggle

The following article includes information on the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in the Indian Freedom Struggle. It also looks at the role of the Indian National Army.

The contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in the freedom struggle is insurmountable. He was one of the major Indian revolutionaries in the leagues of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Subhash Chandra Bose was amongst the first Indian revolutionaries who actively sought out outside alliances with other big powers and created an Indian National Army to resist British forces. He had realised the importance of alliances and therefore rallied behind uniting Hindu and Muslim forces to combat British imperialism while Gandhi carried out his non-violent protests and fasting protests. 

Freedom Struggle in India

Bose’s leaning towards socialistic reforms rather than constitutional reforms had earned him a following amongst the Congress politicians. He had a prominent position in the Congress until 1939 when he created his party within the Congress (The Forward Bloc) after resigning from the post of President of the Congress (Tripuri Session). 

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Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose was born in Orissa to a wealthy family. He was an officer in the Indian civil Services. He resigned in 1921 and participated in the national movement alongside Gandhi and later on with Nehru. However, his political beliefs were more extremist and revolutionary than the peaceful and compromising attitude that characterised Congress politics under Gandhi’s leadership. In 1941, he had met with Hitler and requested for Germany’s aid to Indian armed forces but it did not result in anything substantial. His perceived dictatorial attitude and his compromise with violence had turned many popular Congress leaders away and that had created a rift in the 1939 elections for the Congress presidency. Bose was unyielding and resigned from Congress. 

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Indian National Army

By now, he had already started the Azad Hind Radio and was able to secure Indian Prisoners of War (POW) from Germany. Around 1941-42, Japanese forces had lent their support to expatriate Indians under the leadership of Pritam Singh (Indian Independence leagues). Under Captain Mohan Singh and some more POWs from Southeast Asia, a force of the Indian Independence League was formed in June 1942. With the help of Rash Behari Bose, Subhash Chandra Bose assumed the leadership of the Indian National Army in 1943. 

Contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in Freedom Struggle

The contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in the freedom struggle was:

  • The activities of INA and Bose’s commitment to free India at any cost had made him a great patriot and a hero of the Indian national movement
  • He and his army were the sources of inspiration for many contemporary youths 
  • His leadership skills and motivational speeches have left a lasting impact on the minds of Indians
  • The activities of Bose garnered International attention in varying degrees regarding India’s freedom struggle

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The struggles of Subhash Chandra Bose in his resistance to British authority had earned him the title of ‘Netaji’ in Berlin. Despite his best efforts and good intentions, the military legacies of Subhash Chandra Bose and his army in retrospect have many valid criticisms – antisemitism, supporting fascist ideologies, and powers like Japan and Germany during WWII (World War) as well as tactical military failures. But his ideas and efforts have been recognised in Indian freedom history as heroic.


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