The socio-religious reform movement was started between 1824- 1883 to abolish the social casting system and remove the harmful impact of untouchability from society. The socio-religious reform movement critically attacked bigotry and superstition for removing the tradition of sati, child marriage, social inequality and illiteracy. The socio-religious reform movement reduces the rigidity of society by reducing the impact of social casting. This reform introduces a movement to bring changes in Indian society by maintaining socio-religious practices for abolishing the inequality in the society.
Socio-Religious Reform Movement
The socio-religious reform movement ensured uniformity in Indian society before the era of British rule. The reform movement began to ensure equality and non-uniformity in the Indian society for increasing the power of democracy. These efforts or socio-religious movements are collectively known as Renaissance and it was an important phenomenon in the colonial British rule in India. Different types of socio-religious reform movements were introduced at the end of the 18th century like reformists and revivalists. Examples of reformist movements are Brahma Samaj, Aligarh movement and Prarthana Samaj. Revitalist movements are the formation of Arya Samaj, the Deoband movement, the foundation of the Ramakrishna Mission, and the Young Bengal Movement.
Why Did the Socio-Religious Reform Movement Start?
Socio-religious movements in India began to abolish the casting system and stop untouchability among the Indian community. This movement introduced the new reform policy for creating an identity for the depressed community against the upper class or Brahmins.The socio-religious reform movement was started to introduce the development of the middle class in Indian society and educated western people.The Socio-religious reform movement in India was successful as religion and beliefs were considered outdated in the movement. The main purpose of the socio-religious reform movement is to rediscover the Indian Civilization that would be beneficial for rationalism and individualism.Â
From Which Area Did the Socio-Religious Reform Movement Start?
The Socio-religious movement was started in Calcutta in the year 1820 to promote social equality and reduce the impact of untouchability. This movement was called the Young Bengal movement to ensure equality for all religions in the Indian casting system. Social reformer Raja Rammohan Roy started the formation of Brahmo Samaj in 1828 to fight against the Idol workshop, unnecessary rituals, and abolition of sati, child marriage, and purdah system from the society.
Changes Due to a Socio-Religious Reform Movement
- Socio-religious reform movement eradicated the child marriage from the society and promoted widow marriage
- This movement eradicated the casting system from the society and developed the middle-class society
- Education and social development for all caste were introduced by the reformer
- Education brought enlightenment in the Indian society to abolish Sati and purdah
- Age of consent Act was introduced in 1891 to promote equality in the society
Impact of a Socio-Religious Reform Movement
The socio-religious movement developed the traditional casteism and nature of religious belief by reducing unnecessary rituals. The development of Brahma Samaj was successful in the promotion of women’s rights in the Indian community and casting system. Aligarh movement in 1875 offered education for the Muslim community to abolish social differences and maintain uniformity in the society. The development of Prarthana samaj introduced monotheism and reduced caste domination in the western India. The formation of Arya samaj in north India fought against polytheism, rituals of animal sacrifice, and a casting system and child marriage.
Major Issues of the Socio-Religious Reform Movement
The socio-religious reform movement had a narrow social base and development was limited to the middle class of Indian society. The needs of the poor community were ignored in the broader context. Reform in the social and religious structure introduced mysticism and created barriers among high class and low-class Hindus in the Indian community. The Hindu reformers of the movement promoted Hinduism in the Indian community and created a nation of different samaj. This reform was developed based on legislation; therefore the success depends on the act.
The above study indicates that the socio-religious reform movement was very successful in the eradication of the casting system from society. The young Bengal movement and formation of Brahma samaj in Bengal abolished child marriage and satidaha pratha. The study indicates that the development of uniform rituals for all castes helps to promote democracy and individualism in society. Socio-religious reform movement increased awareness in the society for enlightenment with education. The study describes that social and religious movement introduces women’s justice and rights in Indian society.