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Indian National Congress

Indian national congress role after independence, Establishment of Indian national congress, Safety valve theory of Indian national congress, Realistic or Mythic theory

The Indian National Congress was founded in 1855 by Allan O. Hume. The party was formed for the inclusion of Indians in the political arena. The Congress has been important in seeking Independence from British Raj through its movements and ideas. Even in the Post-Independence period, the Congress has continued to create a liberal, inclusive, and united nation through their reforms and revolutions. 

History of the Indian National Congress


  • The Indian National Congress was founded on the 28th of December 1885, with 72 delegates present at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in Mumbai (then Bombay)
  • It was founded by Allan Octavian Hume, a retired Indian Civil Services Officer
  • The Congress was formed with a view to create a situation where discussions between Indians and the British can take place in a civil manner
  • The Congress included only those Indians who were educated
  • Through the Congress, the British could gain support for their governance in India
  • This could be made possible since the educated Indians were more open to the ideas of modernisation and thus could influence other Indians
  • Allan Octavian Hume was the Congress’s General Secretary, followed by Womesh Chunder Banerjee as the president

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Struggle for Independence

  • As time passed, people within the Congress were influenced by the Swadeshi movement, and wished to follow the concept of ‘home rule’
  • Despite opposition, in 1919 Mahatma Gandhi was elected president and changed the Congress from exclusive to a people-centered party
  • With the help of Mahatma Gandhi, several issues were addressed, such as caste discrimination, healthcare system, illiteracy and the purdah system
  • Finally, by the end of the British Rule, the Congress saw the Quit India Movement, the formation of the Indian National Army Defense Committee, and the unfortunate Partition of India and Pakistan

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Indian National Congress in the Post-Independence Period

Forming the Constitution

  • The Indian National Congress in the period after Independence helped form a constitution that is inclusive and liberal in its ideology
  • The Congress stood by its ideas and abolished untouchability and caste discrimination, along with making primary level education compulsory
  • Several steps were taken by the Congress to improve the conditions of the newly independent nation

Revolutions and Initiatives

  • The Green Revolution began in the 1960s to promote self-sufficiency in food production and was supported by the Congress
  • This was followed by the White Revolution that aimed to increase milk production in the 1970s-80s
  • The then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped liberate Bangladesh from military control
  • One of the most important changes during the Congress Rule were the economic reforms of 1991
  • These reforms helped lift India from economic and political instability and helped improve the financial situation of the country

Reasons for Establishment of the Indian National Congress

  • There were two main theories that explained why the Indian National Congress was formed
  • The Safety Valve Theory was that the Congress was established in order to create a safe space for Indians to voice their opinions and address issues
  • There was a more practical theory that said that the Congress was formed in order to protect the British from revolts and attacks by Indians
  • The Safety Valve theory believed that the formation of  Congress was a move to safeguard the interests of the British under the false idea of inclusivity
  • Whatever the reason, Gopal Krishna Gokhale said that if it had not been for the British, there wouldn’t be an organisation that included a majority of Indians

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State politics

  • The performance of the Congress Party at the state level has largely matched its national performance
  • In the early years after independence, it dominated practically all state administrations and later began alternating power with other national parties (e.g., the BJP) or local parties (e.g., the Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh)
  • However, by the early twenty-first century, Congress’s power in state politics had waned to the point where it only controlled a minority of state legislatures
  • His party has done well in the northeastern and northern states, but not so well in the majority of southern states


The Indian National Congress is one of the oldest political parties in the country. Though it was established to create a civil dialogue between Indians and the British. With a rise in Swadeshi movement, members of the Congress began to seek Independence and fight for ‘home rule.’ This caused a rise in movements towards Independence. The Congress led many initiatives to seek freedom. In the post-Independence era, the Congress was devoted to creating a liberal, inclusive country. This could be seen in the framing of the Indian Constitution, the Green Revolution, Economic Reforms, as well as Educational Reforms.


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